Soros has ties to over 30 Major News Organizations
The "fairness doctrine" is nonsense, and just results in imposed limits on one or both sides that cannot actually be representative or fair.
Well, don't make foolish assumptions.
You are incorrect, and also largely incoherent. You are saying now that right-wing scholars do not exist?
You're ridiculous if you believe this.
No, I'm not. Hence why I deliberately included an example of left-wing crackpots who I would not want universities to go out of their way to hire out of some false sense of "fairness."
You need to read more carefully, and ask for clarification if you do not understand what you have read, and not take every chance you get to assume some massive nefarious conspiracy on the part of left-wing academics. It detracts credibility from you.
What is your explanation for "ideological purity" in departments where ideology is utterly irrelevant to hiring decisions?
What a load of tripe. You really think there is a massive conspiracy spanning the entire academic community to exclude right-wingers?
No. You are bad at reading. In the case of the Koch-funded position at FSU, they are looking only for a right-wing shill, without regard for who is actually the best candidate. If they were simply hiring the best candidate available, that individual may end up being left-wing or right-wing (there are a number of completely respectable right-wing economists), but restricting the options by a ideological litmus test is the problem here.
Yes, it was a strawman. No, you really just need to read more carefully.
There are a number of different reasons for that, and it is more complicated than your absurd supposition that there is a conspiracy afoot. Conservatives tend not to be as interested in attending graduate school as liberals, so right away there are far fewer right-wing candidates who obtain the necessary credentials. And even conservatives who do obtain the credentials to become professors are more likely to pursue a job outside academia instead.
BS. You're being paranoid.
Are you serious? The math department doesn't give a damn what anyone's political opinions are. And doesn't the fact that Michael Behe still has a job refute your claim? Not only is he ideologically at odds with his university and his department, but he is also demonstrably wrong on the actual objective science that he is supposed to be teaching. On top of that, he has an utterly pitiful publication record and has done almost no meaningful research in his career. And yet he has been allowed to remain on the faculty at Lehigh.
That's how academic freedom works. Faculty are chosen by their prospective peers. Not a perfect system, but certainly far preferable to monied interests controlling who can get a job in academia.
I'd be fine to take the position that Universities should have an acting political ombudsman to ensure that both left and right wing thought is thoroughly and equally expressed on campus, and, that no private influence is allowed, or, that private institutions supporting each side are allowed with transparency and an acting ombudsman to ensure fairness on both sides.
I am at least consistent in either they do it for both sides, or they do it for no sides. I don't think that the status quo is fine, or if they did what their doing now by restricting left-wing thought on campus by only vetting and hiring right-wingers who either adhere to right wing thought and values or did not go against it.
Straw man. I never said that and you know it. The whole point is that professors should be free to explore ideas that are interesting to them. I have no problem whatsoever with any university hiring a professor who happens to be right-wing. I do have a problem with an outside meddler refusing to allow them to hire the candidate they want because they are insufficiently right-wing.
I didn't say you said that. I assumed that from what you wrote. That is fine that you also take the position that you do above (the one I've emboldened), but it in a sense is a straw-man... you are throwing out there something that you know does not exist just for the sake of coming off as being fair, but it is a double standard to excuse the current - ideologically pure and insular - reality as nothing more then just leftists wanting to enter academia more then conservatives.
The method isn't even impure, a right-wing institution gives FSU money to hire a conservative faculty member. That's the professors salary+benefits over 10 years. They want a libertarian added to the Economics department. You think poorly of the "ends" because of the "means" but also stand by the status quo since the 60's. The means aren't dirty if you know from the onset that your getting money to hire a libertarian economist. If FSU wants to hire any professor, they shouldn't take the money.
No. The president and board have an obligation to find the most qualified candidate. There is no need to deliberately seek fringe viewpoints. We do not need to "balance" our academic departments by hiring creationists for the biology faculty, flat-earthers for the geology faculty, or Marxists or Austrians for the economics department. If a new faculty hire happens to have an interest in Marxian or Austrian economics, fine, but mandating one or the other is ridiculous.
You didn't really have to reply to that. That was an emotional rant. But it still illustrated the fact that libertarian view points aren't presented on campus. You also said "Fringe" and brought up a lot of silly examples - I was merely suggesting people whose views are right-of-center. Your constant boiling things down to either being just the Intellectuals, or the Intellectuals + Right-wing crackpots justify my statement:
I think it's fair to assume that right-wing scholarship is an oxymoron to you. I don't set things up to defeat you. You need to be more careful with your words, and explain yourself if I misread you, and not take every chance you get to look lowly on the Right. It detracts credibility from you.
That's not the result of discrimination... people who enter academia just happen to be more liberal.
Ideological purity in virtually every department?
No, I didn't. Learn to read.
I read it well and came to the conclusion that all of the things that you worry about already happens with regards to leftists vetting leftists. It's not like their hiring the very best possible... they limit themselves to only hiring those who adhere to leftist dogma or don't go against it. All of the terrible consequences are already lived out in every public university, its just that leftists are doing so with billions of dollars of tax-payer money(and why you don't consider this a scandal is beyond me). There is no way that leftist insularity in every field outside of business has been secured for this long without constantly vetting or hiring on a ideologically consistent basis. You are talking as if there are no qualified candidates on the right, or as if there aren't already leftist economists on the campus.
No. Quit with your ridiculous straw men.
Hey, be fair. I'm only reacting to what your saying. You said: "They are not hiring the best scholars available for the job, but rather any right-wing shill they can find." It's either the best possible candidate or any right-wing shill they can find? The only thing the university is limiting themselves of is the best left-wing or centrist they can find. There are great professors on all sides, and perhaps FSU can get land an amazing right-wing professor, who is not a "Right-wing shill" - your words, not mine. I'm sorry, but no straw-man here. You should be more careful with your words. I'm not always, but at least I correct myself and re-clarify and admit if I'm wrong.
Fine, but explain.
Are conservatives not interested in teaching history? Why is that department disproportionally employing leftists? A field that you'd think would be more diverse or equal in who teaches it is disproportionally left-leaning. Unless you are saying that teaching _______ (any subject outside of business) is only of interest to Liberals... Are only Liberals interested in 17th Century German Philosophy? Are liberals only interested in teaching Geography? Ideological purity and insularity in academics is not self-supporting or did not come about on its own. It was constructed and strictly maintained. I would like to see universities hire a closet conservative in a math department who then vocalizes anti-left sentiments, and see him keep his job. If not from within, pressures from outside the department will put things in order. And of course, it will be followed with the excuse that he had other problems, and that he wasn't a very good teacher who also did not get along with other faculty members. I will go into depth, correct, or reply tomorrow after work.
if conservatives would stop having an active anti-intellectual agenda.
then maybe more of them would be teaching.
when I have 10 qualified applicants 9 being "liberal" and 1 "conservative"
I have obligation to hire the right-winger?
to promote diversity?
if you all can't compete why should I help you?
The austrian school is excluded cuz they can't do math.
and come to think of it that is the main reason the Marxists.
have a hard time getting hired too.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
So what?
cuz he is a Jooooooooooo.
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
So what?
cuz he is a Jooooooooooo.
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
I'm also assuming that Mr. Soros would fit the description of a "Liberal" (or Ms. Inuyasha wouldn't raise a stink), and "Liberals" aren't supposed to spend their money as they wish.
Anyway, everyone knows that the only purpose of news is to get people to watch advertising.
The issue right now is that ...facts have a liberal bias.
It is because conservatives have tried too hard to pander to certain parts of their market (religious, oil-companies) that they have made being conservative synonymous with things like creationism and denying global warming. This is clear when you watch Fox News. The unfortunate result of linking right wing agenda with these anti-science things is that any serious university will continuously teach things that prove this new conservative "values" junk.
Unfortunately, instead of rethinking things and stopping the endorsement of things that are completely wrong, conservatives are starting to further dilute their brains by making claims that academia have an anti-conservative bias.
To be honest it is tragic, because I can think of many people with scientific background out there that are in no way left wing in economics, but seem to be forced to vote democrat because voting republican comes with true risks against science education.
then maybe more of them would be teaching.
when I have 10 qualified applicants 9 being "liberal" and 1 "conservative"
I have obligation to hire the right-winger?
to promote diversity?
if you all can't compete why should I help you?
The austrian school is excluded cuz they can't do math.
and come to think of it that is the main reason the Marxists.
have a hard time getting hired too.
Actually, it's more of liberals can't stand diversity of opinion, and liberals just tend to be full of themselves.
So what?
cuz he is a Jooooooooooo.
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
I'm also assuming that Mr. Soros would fit the description of a "Liberal" (or Ms. Inuyasha wouldn't raise a stink), and "Liberals" aren't supposed to spend their money as they wish.
Anyway, everyone knows that the only purpose of news is to get people to watch advertising.
pandabear for future reference I'm a guy not a girl.
Second, my problem with Soros has to do with the unusual correlation between him and countries having their financial systems collapsing. There is also information out there to suggest causation. It seems as though he has turned his attention on the US, so yeah someone with his track record is a cause of concern I don't care what his political affiliation is.
@ JakobVirgil
Implying that people here are anti-semites is flamebait, particularly when some of my friends happen to be Jewish. It is especially flamebait when you are doing so with absolutely nothing to corroborate your statement.
Some of my best friends are gay black Jews!
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
You are basically Glenn Beck's lap dog, and the anti-Semitic roots of Beck's conspiracy theories (as well as a disproportionate number of his boogey men coincidentally being Jewish) have been well documented in various places.
then maybe more of them would be teaching.
when I have 10 qualified applicants 9 being "liberal" and 1 "conservative"
I have obligation to hire the right-winger?
to promote diversity?
if you all can't compete why should I help you?
The austrian school is excluded cuz they can't do math.
and come to think of it that is the main reason the Marxists.
have a hard time getting hired too.
Actually, it's more of liberals can't stand diversity of opinion, and liberals just tend to be full of themselves.
yes, in opposite land liberals are guilty of everything republicans are accused of.
oh wait I think you my be right.
the right wing is way more tolerant of racism, pseudo-science, fascism, authoritarianism, blowing up abortion clinics,
misogyny, propaganda, dirty tricks politics, lying to old people, strawmen, corporatism, warmongering, blaming the victim etc.
wow you guys are liberal as hell.
good luck with your crazy.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
Some of my best friends are gay black Jews!
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
You are basically Glenn Beck's lap dog, and the anti-Semitic roots of Beck's conspiracy theories (as well as a disproportionate number of his boogey men coincidentally being Jewish) have been well documented in various places.
1. Glenn Beck is not an anti-semite, just because someone has a problem with one individual that just so happens to be Jewish, doesn't mean they are an anti-semite. That's like calling people racist because they disagree with Obama's policies or don't trust Obama because he's from Chicago (if you lived in the midwest you'd know about Chicago's reputation for corruption). If you want to continue to use little snippets that are completely out of context, I'll continue to call you on it.
2. My Grandfather served in World War II and helped liberate one of the Concentration camps. Your statement that I'm somehow an anti-semite is way out of line and quite frankly I'm extremely tempted to report you to a moderator.
Beck and his rabid followers are total anti-semites. Just go to his web site, and you'll see. Most progressive pundits get death threats from his minions, just dripping with anti-semite rhetoric.
Please stop lying outright. At least dress it up a bit.
Disliking any given Jew does not make one an anti-Semite. However, an observed pattern of disliking every Jew one comes across at least suggests something. As does regurgitating anti-Semitic conspiracy theories from the John Birch society.
Do you realize the irony of claiming not to buy into stereotypes while explicitly stating that your reason for distrusting someone is the town they are from?
So did mine. Look up the Los Banos raid sometime. I don't see how your grandfather's actions, especially given that they were performed under orders from a commanding officer rather than of his own volition, are relevant to claims about you. I had friends in high school whose grandfathers served in the Nazi German military- they were not Nazis or racists. Why would you assume that the non-voluntary actions of someone's ancestors implies anything about that person themselves?
Beck and his rabid followers are total anti-semites. Just go to his web site, and you'll see. Most progressive pundits get death threats from his minions, just dripping with anti-semite rhetoric.
Do you mean If so, I've been on his website, and quite frankly I'm disgusted with your disingenious comments.
Oh you mean the Glenn Beck telling people to shoot people video that turned out to be a snippet that was cut out so it could be taken way out of context, is that the kind of evidence you're using.
Further, my warning is extended to you as well I will not sit by and let someone smear me as being an anti-semite.
Haha. No.
At least pretend to know what you're talking about.
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