YippySkippy wrote:
Cute, but I suspect the atheists are about to eat you alive.
personally i thought this was funny, i sent it to my friends on facebook lol despite me being atheist because i love things that make me laugh
i dont care what religion people are i just dont like religion because religion is the enemy of freedom, which is why America is Secular(not trying to start argument or debate because honestly i dont care right now just expressing an opinion) and i have no problem with the religious as long as their religion does not cause them to be harmful to anyone but themselves(i do NOT care what people do to themselves as long as no one else is hurt, im a supporter of legalization of drugs, most notably cannabis and shrooms, and i also support suicide but i DO NOT support abortion because that is murder, once their heart is beating i consider them human) and im especially against Fundamentalist Christian groups because, taking a complete "our way only" stance on the bible they are a MAJOR threat to our freedom, our country, and humanity in general seeing as how Revelation supports the mass extinction of mankind to be beneficial to our species since everyone who worships one God will go to heaven and everyone else will go to hell leaving no one on earth(again mass extinction)
WP Strident Atheist
If you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, have accepted him as your lord and savior, and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.