Inuyasha wrote:
Shows how way left of center you are: Pelosi and Barney Frank are two I can name off the top of my head, but at this point it wouldn't surprise me if most of the Democrats in Congress are left to far-left, remember there aren't many Blue Dog Democrats left in Congress.
Seriously dude, stop calling US democrats "far left". It makes anyone that has actually been exposed to far left government (ie: me) laugh horribly at you. I mean, seriously, I can't think of any democrat congressman who isn't just barely center-right...
Your health care reform is enough example to any outsider. For a "communist ploy to destroy America" it is basically giving away monopolies to private insurance companies. Lol. When you call that stuff "far left", it is really an indication how horribly, terribly, far in the right you are.
I mean, you just called Nancy Pelosi "far left". Are you completely out of your mind? How little self-consciousness is it needed for that?