Oodain wrote:
look up her hospitals they are more than controversial
An admittedly very quick flick turns up from Wikipedia "They accuse her of proselytizing, strongly opposing contraception and abortion, believing in poverty's spiritual goodness and alleged 'secret baptisms of the dying'.
roselytizing - oh, how dare a member of a religion attempt to proselytize! Headshaking aside, how are we to read this alongside the fact that she has been condemned by Evangelicals and even Catholics for FAILING to use her work as a springboard for proselytization? You can't have it both ways - eith she DID, or she DIDN'T. If she did, either she did it TOO MUCH or she did it TOO LITTLE.
In my experience, when two sides criticize you from opposite directions on the same issue, either you are just about on track or SOMEBODY is using lousy data.
B. Opposing contraception and abortion. Being a fairly conservative Catholic religious, of course it is pure evil that she would think that way. There are plenty of very meek mild people - not hardheaded Albanian women - who hold that view and act on it and unless you buy into the contemporary trend ov demonizing everybody you disagree with, I do not think you can call that evil. Unless you have evidence she was forcing people into sex and killing abortionists.
C. Poverty's spiritual goodness - this too is a common Christianb understanding alo foyund elsewhere. She was a religious - in many traditions - not only Christian - those who dedicate themselves to religious life giuve up the world. And you do not have to be Christian to respect somre of the poor more than many of the rich - I have heard that attitude from atheists here. Evil might be if she is forcing people into poverty.
D. Alleged baptisms - Okay, alleged. Suppose it is true. The ham and evil is? Such a baptism is not going to have any effect - it is hard to imagine she would think it would. If I am a dying Muslim, a dying Parsee, and this crazy Albanian lady [crazy is no insult, that is how a little old Albanianess is going to look] sprinkles water on me muttering in a strange language. How am I affected?
There may well be more. There may be something serious relying on solid evidence.
But - face it - if those add up to evil, my mother [a less forceful but just as hard-headed American of German extraction] was just as evil. A little less famous is all. She, by the way, dfinitely saw her own suffering as a virtue and as not about to get relief when she could despise the doctor.