I'm pro life and anti death penalty. I don't think people have the right to take lives, as we've never given lives.
ruveyn wrote:
Yes. And the women is no slave that she has to bear what is within here if she can get rid of it (if she wants to). Besides deserving and not-deserving are attributes of persons and fetuses are not persons.
She is not a slave. She's the caretaker of the fetus. Apart from rape, she put it in there herself, and it's her responsibility to care for it. If she is raped, she can put the baby up for adoption if she must. Just because a crappy thing happened to her doesn't give her the right to kill a human.
And if abortion is such a good idea, why do women often feel guilty and need to go to therapy after? Sounds like a natural warning that it's not good.
If deserving and not deserving are attributes of persons exclusively, are you saying that it wouldn't matter if we tortured animals or not? They're definitely not persons. So they don't deserve anything, maybe.
Fetuses are persons, anyways. What separates them from persons? Give me a list of anything you think could be used to distinguish them from persons.
what comes to mind for me is their mental development, consciousness, and size/age. Really, is that a justifiable difference? Do you think the extermination of ret*ds or people in comas is acceptable? When does a size or age determine a person's humanity? Where is the line drawn between a fetus and an infant? Is it as soon as the baby comes out? Partial birth abortions are where the baby is dissembled just before it is fully out. Do you think this is right?
They have the same DNA as people. I don't see the difference.