Master_Pedant wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Orwell wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
I actually am supporting Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, or Michelle Bachmann. I will include Sarah Palin in support list if she decides to officially run.
That's a really sad list. I'm backing Huntsman, although I know he has no chance in the primaries.
Yeah, I knew you would be supporting the same candidate as Michael Moore...
Looks like you need some
moOre information!
The only reason Orwell looks centre-left
at all is because of how comically, nay I say
absurdly, rightwing the corporate media establishment centre is in America. Orwell would be considered unelectably rightwing in most developed countries.
Um... if Huntsman won the GOP nomination, I would be voting for him in the general election as well. Given that Huntsman garnered rave reviews from right-wing groups like Cato for record-breaking tax cuts during his tenure as governor of MormonLand, I'm not sure how that even makes me look center-left in America.
Master_Pedant wrote:
Orwell wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Cute Jakoby, but I drink English Tea Time, and Darjaline (sp?), i don't drink the kool-aid.
Real Americans drink coffee.
Yet Canadians drink more of it. ... per_capita
I blame the cuts in education, especially in mathematics. We just need a couple more mathematicians in order to come back and beat Canada in per capita coffee drinking.
Surprising that Colombia is so low on that list when they have great coffee growing in their backyards. I guess they prefer stronger stimulants.