What is more important to you?
A. The quest of advanced education, materialism, attainment of wealth, status and financial security or.....
B. The quest for spirituality and the close connection to God.
Well, since I'm already a God, the quest in B would have to be for some other God, though I am often tempted to sneak up behind Oberon in stick him in the buttock with a hat pin. Too many of the connections have been completed, so that leaves the spirituality of numbers, but there aren't any numbers, and since there aren't any, there isn't one to be met. I've already met the God Infinity, and he's not a number, so Zero is out of it too.
Advanced education will at first lead to a spirituality of imaginary numbers, even to arguments about imaginary numbers counting other imaginary numbers, or rooting out that the imaginary numbers deny any belief in themselves. These "atheist" imaginary numbers call the others "transcendental imaginary numbers", which are all certainly irrational to everyone too. In their own imagination, these transcendentals claim they have members which contain every bit of possible knowlege and information contained in their infinite chain of marks on a rock, or all those fingers. Infinity denies this as hogwash, but Casper the friendly Ghost is searching for "Dracula", symbol-for-symbol, in Pi. Here, I want the address of every entry in The Library of Congress (with the complete body of each work), so I can catalog the catalogs into an impossible set so Casper will become frustrated enough with spirituality, that he will materialize in front of Mammon.