femme wrote:
Your good but did you know?
Lilith’s relationship with Adam is a different matter. Their conflict is one of patriarchal authority versus matriarchal desire for emancipation, and the warring couple cannot reconcile. They represent the archetypal battle of the sexes. Neither attempts to solve their dispute or to reach some kind of compromise where they take turns being on top (literally and figuratively). Man cannot cope with woman’s desire for freedom, and woman will settle for nothing less. In the end, they both lose.
Adam was decreed to be dominant
by Yahweh, it was not Adam's will to place Lilith under him. He followed his creator's commands, while Lilith defied them and was therefore punished.
That is the nature of her story, it's yet another instance of "obey your God or be damned".
Chances are, if you're offended by something I said, it was an attempt at humour.