ruveyn wrote:
...They are societies with centralized government control, the kind you just love to pieces.
In the real world, the more the government controls, the worse things are.
As Thomas Jefferson once wrote: Were the government to ordain when we should sow and when we should read, we should all soon want for bread.
Why, ruveyn, if i didn't know any better I'd think you were a Syndicate Anarchist at heart, but you just don't know it! You seem to advocate putting production in the hands of the workers producing the object instead of having some trumped bosses, (owners, investors and bureaucrats) telling everyone what to make and when to make it.
A sole owner / entrepeneur of a massive company is no more "decentralized" than an autocratic dictatorship, yes? A "government by investors," as corporations are, is an oligarchy just as much as Soviet Russia was, yes?
You seem to want to decentralization: let the auto workers decide how they want to make their autos in their factory, etc., instead of some gov't committee mandating how many autos are needed or some lazy investors demanding higher profits w/o participating at all in the labor.
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