There is a historical legacy. But also, I would say its a cultural tradition of obedience that has seen our monarchy and attached aristocracy, the land owners, really never going challenged or fearing the masses that inhabit the land. Puddingmouse was alluding to this in some respect as even people who sought out to wrong injustice the poor and impoverished in British society became contemptious of their unswearing loyalty and obedience to defend the very system that kept them down in the mud. The chartist movement in the 1840's was absolutely crushed. When child laws were introduced you had capitalists and bankers of the day screaming in anger at Parliament for interferring with the "free market" every right gained for the average joe in this country was squeezed out of the system. As Robert Tressell once put it
'The present system means joyless drudgery, semi-starvation, rags and premature death; and they vote for it and uphold it. Let them have what they vote for! Let them drudge and let them starve!'
Basically, Britain is kinda like the Matrix in a self contained island
"Tall people can be recognized by three things: generosity in the design, humanity in the execution and moderation in success"