If a person is defective, they should be eliminated

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19 Feb 2012, 8:50 am

Dillogic wrote:

The first to go are those socially and emotionally irrational types. They're the most defective as far as rational reasoning and logical deduction and induction goes.

(That's pretty much everyone, but that's beside the point.)

Seriously, no. Who is to define "productive?" Douglas Adams in The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy had a civilization exille all their "useless members" (like advertizing agents and telephone sanitizers) and everyone was very happy "until they all died from a virus caused by an unsanitized telephone."
Under some definitions, all entertainers including athletes who are definately "able bodied," everyone in a creative field, scientists who study the past and the "theoretical" are all non-productive.


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19 Feb 2012, 8:50 am

Yupa wrote:
This would simply be cutting the extra fat off of society. There are 7 billion people on this planet. If a single one of them is incapable of productivity, or damaged in any way, would it not be proper to eliminate them?

Consider that a large portion of human beings do not work, or are incapable of working, yet they reproduce and take up an unnecessary amount of resources. They are the surplus population. Like any instance in which there is a surplus of goods, the value of that good decreases. So it is with the human species.

The first to go will be Stephen Hawking.

I think your notion of what a defective is, is defective.

And I would be careful, if I were you. Someone might declare you surplus and redundant one of these days.



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19 Feb 2012, 9:01 am

Inevitably the human race is doomed eventually.. what real difference does eugenics make? I say if you happen to manifest on this plane of consciousness you have a right to live for as long as you're physically capable without interference.


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19 Feb 2012, 9:06 am

Subotai wrote:
Inevitably the human race is doomed eventually.. what real difference does eugenics make? I say if you happen to manifest on this plane of consciousness you have a right to live for as long as you're physically capable without interference.

There is no other "plane" of existence. The world is physical from Top to Bottom and from Top Quark to Bottom Quark. All that exists is matter and motion in space and time.



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19 Feb 2012, 10:27 am

Yupa wrote:
This would simply be cutting the extra fat off of society. There are 7 billion people on this planet. If a single one of them is incapable of productivity, or damaged in any way, would it not be proper to eliminate them?

well you do not own the world in which you live, so you have no authority to evict anyone else from the world in which you live. you are a passenger on a ride that you did not design or own, and if your prospects of living without hindrance are compromised by any element in it, then that is your problem.

locusts eat much food that we grow and give nothing back, and people scramble their forces to poison them so they can have more food for their own mouths. grazing animals eat things that could otherwise be available to you if they were eliminated.

why do you think that the comfort and ease of your own life is more important than other lives that interfere with your availability of resources to feed your own "superior" right to live?.

i do understand that humans breed like flies and because of the advances of medicine and hygiene they are surviving the obstacles that would prune natural population of other animals, and if it goes on like it is going on, then humans will squash themselves against the walls of their can and drown in their waste. i know that the world has too many people in it, but no one alive now is "punishable by death" because of how they were born.

the population needs to be reduced, and you have no right to consider yourself an elite who is deserved of amnesty because you are productive or somehow elite and superior. you may produce what the people you consider inferior survive and thrive upon. it is maybe people like you who are similar to the nutrient enriched farms that spill their waste into waterways that result in algal blooms. who knows? not you, that is for sure.

life was not designed to be easy, and it was not designed to accommodate you with any favor.

humans think they need to control what happens on earth because they believe they are the inheritors of the earth, and in my opinion, that is seriously conceited. look at how they have ravaged the earth with their sprawling cities and pollution and inconsideration of any other life forms.

people have a soft spot for dolphins because they think dolphins are very intelligent. they think nothing of rats and mice who also try to eke out an existence on this planet. does intelligence equal beauty? does intelligence equal deservedness? why is intelligence more important than anything else? it is because humans have it in spades, and they justify their right to come first in being fed and happy because they are not "dumb" animals. that attitude is not one that i like.

you had no hand in how you were born. you could just as easily have been born a termite or a snail or some other "pest". it is "intelligence" that has corrupted nature, and it is "intelligence" that will pollute the earth to a degree that life will become harder and harder.

already, your "intelligence" is suggesting that my girlfriend tammy be extinguished. she has an IQ of about 70, and she is a very simple girl, and she can not get a job and she eats what should go into your mouth.

tammy has such profound qualities of loyalty and trust that she makes the lives of everyone who knows her more rich by knowing her. she is beautiful and simple and does not live in the world of angst and distrust and conceitedness and posturing and artificiality that most people i see do. her love is as valuable as the love of a person with a 200 iq, if not more, because her love is blind to intellectual analysis, and it does not look for qualifications and reasons to be. she just knows that she loves and that is all she knows.

in your proposal, she would be eliminated and the world would be more desolate because of your sinister proposal.

whatever. maybe i will be wrestled to the ground by some sort of "superior logic", but i will never believe anyone is not deserved to live their life until it ends.


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19 Feb 2012, 10:57 am

Declension wrote:
The key point is education.

And what if people soundly reject your "good ideas" and "education"? Do you then try to foist it on people by, for instance, lecturing them and by occasionally making it difficult for people to make their own choices some vegetarians occasionally try to do?


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19 Feb 2012, 11:20 am

b9 wrote:
already, your "intelligence" is suggesting that my girlfriend tammy be extinguished. she has an IQ of about 70, and she is a very simple girl, and she can not get a job and she eats what should go into your mouth.

tammy has such profound qualities of loyalty and trust that she makes the lives of everyone who knows her more rich by knowing her. she is beautiful and simple and does not live in the world of angst and distrust and conceitedness and posturing and artificiality that most people i see do. her love is as valuable as the love of a person with a 200 iq, if not more, because her love is blind to intellectual analysis, and it does not look for qualifications and reasons to be. she just knows that she loves and that is all she knows.

Is she able to make her own decisions in life?


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19 Feb 2012, 11:26 am

Tequila wrote:
Declension wrote:
The key point is education.

And what if people soundly reject your "good ideas" and "education"? Do you then try to foist it on people by, for instance, lecturing them and by occasionally making it difficult for people to make their own choices some vegetarians occasionally try to do?

When have vegetarians seriously tried to do that? I'm a meat-eater, but I'm tired (and frankly mystified) by all the complaints that people make about veggie-fascists lecturing them and impeding their 'freedom'. 99% of vegetarians are not like that and the other 1% don't have any power to anything about their extreme beliefs. It's like the complaints about 'man-hating feminist' - a boring strawman meme.

(granted, anti-vivisectionists are another thing)

Getting back to population control:

Having fewer children has so many benefits, that an educated person would usually naturally opt for it. When people are uneducated and have to rely on their children for income, then that pushes the fertility rate up. Vegetarianism doesn't recommend itself quite as easily as birth control does. Education really does work wonders. Let's use India as an example: in Kerala, girls leave school (on average) at 18 and the fertility rate is 1.7 children per woman. In Bihar, girls often don't go to school, 60% are married before they are 18 and the literacy rate of females is 34%. Bihar has the highest fertility rate in India at 4 children per woman.

I know that's not enough data, just one example, but I could get more for you to back this up. Basically, once you give people more education, then they make better choices autonomously. No coercion involved.

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19 Feb 2012, 11:31 am

Yupa wrote:
This would simply be cutting the extra fat off of society. There are 7 billion people on this planet. If a single one of them is incapable of productivity, or damaged in any way, would it not be proper to eliminate them?

Consider that a large portion of human beings do not work, or are incapable of working, yet they reproduce and take up an unnecessary amount of resources. They are the surplus population. Like any instance in which there is a surplus of goods, the value of that good decreases. So it is with the human species.

I say we eliminate YOU first :twisted:


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19 Feb 2012, 11:40 am

puddingmouse wrote:
Declension wrote:
I think of eugenics and population control as being sort of like vegetarianism.

I think that they are a good idea, but I don't think that these ideas should be made compulsory by governments. Rather, what is needed is a sort of consciousness-raising. Educated concerned citizens will choose to have fewer children. People with genetic diseases will choose to adopt. The key point is education.

That's my take on it.

I agree. There is a rare weird incurable disease that runs on my mother's side of the family...I am not having kids to continue the suffering.

But as far as being disposable....nearly everyone has something to give (excluding mass murderers, terrorists etc), even if that something is compassion.


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19 Feb 2012, 11:41 am

puddingmouse wrote:
When have vegetarians seriously tried to do that?

Binmen have rebelled against a ‘meat-free Monday’ brought in by the first Green council.

A protest was staged by the ‘disgusted’ workers when their canteen removed bacon butties and lamb chops from the menu.

The veggie day was part of Brighton and Hove Council Green Party’s successful election manifesto in May.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020041/Binmen-rebel-meat-free-Monday-green-council-ditch-bacon-butties.html#ixzz1mqYgFTdW


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19 Feb 2012, 11:43 am

Tequila wrote:
b9 wrote:
already, your "intelligence" is suggesting that my girlfriend tammy be extinguished. she has an IQ of about 70, and she is a very simple girl, and she can not get a job and she eats what should go into your mouth.

tammy has such profound qualities of loyalty and trust that she makes the lives of everyone who knows her more rich by knowing her. she is beautiful and simple and does not live in the world of angst and distrust and conceitedness and posturing and artificiality that most people i see do. her love is as valuable as the love of a person with a 200 iq, if not more, because her love is blind to intellectual analysis, and it does not look for qualifications and reasons to be. she just knows that she loves and that is all she knows.

Is she able to make her own decisions in life?

she thinks so and i believe her

she is not interested in other boys who try to court her. she knows i love her and i hold her and she knows how it feels, and other men make passes at her and she feels alienated from them and she rejects them.

i do not think i want to talk further to you about this because i think you will say things i do not think are charitable.

if you are telling me she is too stupid to love me then forget it. i have been with her for 10 years.
everything is fine. your avatar looks dumb. i find it repulsive.


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19 Feb 2012, 11:47 am

b9 wrote:
she thinks so and i believe her

Fair enough.

she is not interested in other boys who try to court her. she knows i love her and i hold her and she knows how it feels, and other men make passes at her and she feels alienated from them and she rejects them.

If she has the ability to make a freely-defined choice about what she wants with her life (and also how to fend off people who might take advantage), that's all that matters. I just wondered if she had that ability or not. You sound very happy together.

if you are telling me she is too stupid to love me then forget it.

That wasn't what I meant - what I asked was could she make her own decisions, not was she stupid (lots and lots of people can make their own decisions but are stupid people). I wondered if she may have had learning difficulties that may affect her decision-making process, that's all.

i have been with her for 10 years.

Good for you, b9. :)

everything is fine.

Glad to hear it. :)

your avatar looks dumb. i find it repulsive.

It's a reference to Drop Dead Fred. I have a history of repulsive avatars or hadn't you noticed? ;)


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19 Feb 2012, 11:54 am

Tequila wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
When have vegetarians seriously tried to do that?

Binmen have rebelled against a ‘meat-free Monday’ brought in by the first Green council.

A protest was staged by the ‘disgusted’ workers when their canteen removed bacon butties and lamb chops from the menu.

The veggie day was part of Brighton and Hove Council Green Party’s successful election manifesto in May.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020041/Binmen-rebel-meat-free-Monday-green-council-ditch-bacon-butties.html#ixzz1mqYgFTdW

It's one canteen with no meat in it on one day. Damn, I feel like my freedoms have been mutilated. :lol:

I know that you're going to make a slippery slope argument next.

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19 Feb 2012, 11:57 am

puddingmouse wrote:
It's one canteen with no meat in it on one day. Damn, I feel like my freedoms have been mutilated. :lol:

They planned to enforce it on people. The binmen resisted and their meat was reinstated. :)

You asked for an example where this has happened; I gave you one.


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19 Feb 2012, 11:59 am


Got any more? One example does not a vegetarian conspiracy make.

Though I do think there are fringe elements that are like that.

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