BobinPgh wrote:
I don't like being Catholic. When we went to Catholic schools the nuns were mean and while I don't remember much my sisters do and it was horrible for her. I don't know of a Catholic priest who is not a grouch and if he was not, he's "extremely busy" Yet they say HI to everyone and why do that if you don't have time to talk at all? Catholic mass is mostly boring. and they always ask for money but what does all this money buy? If I have a question about religion it gets answered with another question. Also, most of the Catholic church is centered around the kids and having kids so if you are not a parent you are kind of left out.
Try an Orthodox Church, or maybe a Byzantine Catholic Church. Orthodox priests will ramble on forever and ever about religious stuff, at least mine does, he's quite knowledgeable, but shares the Aspie trait of rambling forever. Plus, the "crowd" at an Orthodox Church tends to be pretty nerdy, they're not much on trying to be hip and relevant and cool.
I don't know, it's something you might wanna try. I'm a recent convert, though, used to be Evangelical Protestant, and yeah, it's a big switch, liturgical service and all that. That and like, my former Evangelical friends all basically view me as like apostate now, which isn't fun. So it's like the Catholics, who as Evangelicals we usually didn't even view as "saved" have become a bit of an ally to me, as there's some similarity in our churches, and we used to be the same church until the Schism. I don't know, the Orthodox switch definitely doesn't help me not be a weird person, oh well.