Dox47 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Really? It's the Republicans who get their voters to ignore their own economic interests by appealing to the baser aspects of their nature, by playing on fears of gays, Muslims, blacks, and modern science, etc. The Republicans don't fear their constituents; they play on their constituent's fears, which is born of contempt for them.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
And the Democrats play on
your fear of the Republicans, as evidenced by your oft repeated mischaracterizations of them seen above. You've bought the Dem line hook line and sinker, or more likely were simply spoon fed it since birth. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the GOP either, I'm just a stickler for reality, and the reality is that the average conservative is a lot more like Hank Hill than Fred Phelps, liberal propaganda aside.
Bill's characterization was correct. Just listening to the Repug propaganda is enough to scare normal people into voting against them--while the Greens or Socialists might be more appealing, it would be unpatriotic not to cast one's vote for the Democrats, and give the Repugs a chance to run the nation into the dirt.
Dox47 wrote:
Really, what would Obama have to do in order to lose your vote?
If he were to work to destroy Medicare and Social Security, to promise tax cuts for millionaires and tax increases for the poor, then there would be no difference between him and the Repugs, and I would vote Green or Socialist.
Dox47 wrote:
Aside from breaking every campaign promise of note,
He did pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was a "big deal", as our Vice President put it.
Dox47 wrote:
he's actually killing Americans and then putting every aspect of the process behind a veil of secrecy, so I'm really not sure what he'd have do to lose your support, perhaps something involving camps.
His predecessor started the wars. He did pull out of Iraq. Romney wants to stay in Iraq longer, and start a war with Iran.
Dox47 wrote:
Whatever it was, I'm sure he'd get your vote right back by blaming it on Republican intransigence and/or Fox news, especially if it was something he did unilaterally, like say starting an air war.
Not at all.
Dox47 wrote:
Open your eyes man, at least know it when you're getting used.
Used for what?
Dox47 wrote:
I voted for the guy myself, remember? A mistake I won't be repeating, because I try to only get fooled the once.
Why did you vote for him the first time?