I give up
petitesouris wrote:
peebo wrote:
it reeks of bigotry. racism masquerading as concerns for your freedom. you think that a minority within a minority is going to effect such radical change as to completely replace large parts of the british legal system with religious dogma. it's the sort of nonsense that one would expect from knuckledraggers such as the edl or bnp, who use it as a ruse to justify their overt bigotry, and has no place in a reasoned, sensible or any way intelligent conversation.
Why did I bother responding to you before. Did you even read anything I wrote in this thread or did you just scan my posts for snippets you could ridicule which did not even make the entirety of what I was trying to convey?
of course i read your post. the snippet i ridiculed was simply the most ridiculous aspect of the thread. claiming that european cultural purity is being threatened by outsiders is, in my opinion, simply nonsense. you are, of course, entitled to your own opinion.
however, the reason i felt compelled to point out the part that i did is because this notion of creeping sharia is completely absurd, and as far as i can see, it is simply a means by which racists can express anti south east asian/arabic sentiment without being explicit about it. it's been taken to ridiculous extremes by sections of the tabloid media completely misinterpretting the words of the archbishop of canterbury and quoting him completely out of context. in fact, the whole notion of sharia and what it is has been twisted beyond all recognition by the same elements of the media. it's simply reactionary stupidity.
On "racism", I realize that those we invite have higher percentages of religious fanatics, even though I believe this is due to upbringing instead of biology. I consider objective secularism to be better than anything a large portion of immigrants would like to force on us. If I am a "bigot" for showing a cultural commitment to a place which is currently free of religious oppression, at least out of gratitude, and consequently holding that our country should be reserved for those from that culture, than you are the ignorant one.
you really think a large portion of immigrants are going to force a barbaric interpretation of religious law on the populations of europe? please, be reasonable. the misinformed garbage you are talking is, indeed, bigoted.
?Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.?
Adam Smith