aarpar wrote:
I'll bite.
I think the church has pretty much spread so many lies when it comes to real Christian spirituality that I think Christians that are real should just meet outside of church and form their own family without organized beliefs or rituals. I mean think about it? Abstinence wasn't an issue until people mistook Paul's writing about sexual immorality. No one met in a church on Sunday, they met in eachother's houses. Jesus turned water into wine and yet some Christians won't even touch alcohol. Christians gasp when you say "Damn" or "crap" but Jesus pretty much called Pharisees sons of hell. And religion starts many wars.
Religion kills. Dependence and relationship with Jesus saves.
I attend an older church that recently started making a push to do a lot more "Book of Acts" kinds of things including meeting in houses instead of Sunday evening worship. What we found was that the city-wide group meetings had over 4 times the numbers in attendance than the conventional evening worship format.
Organization has been part of Christianity since its inception, and the only point in organized religion is to avoid chaos. It does help a body of believers to have a unified faith, a common ground from which to grow. And those are basic things, such as an agreement on who Jesus is and the role of the Bible. People find strength in numbers, hence the benefit of corporate worship and the need to establish order in meetings.
What is harmful is when ritual or personal preferences become the sole purpose of meetings and daily practice rather than genuine adoration of God and living out Jesus' teachings. The true heart of Christianity in practice is a focus on doing the will of God. I'm ok with rituals that point the way to God. I'm not ok with rituals that exist for their own sake.
One thing that is really destroying Christian churches right now is infighting caused by disagreement on the choice of music and style of worship. If you only go to church for all the formalities and affluence, or if you just want to attend a rock concert with Christian lyrics, you've lost sight of the pupose of the worship service. I think organized worship works as long as the congregation maintains focus on Who is really the most important, above and beyond format and style.
Religion for its own sake is possibly the greatest threat to spreading the faith.