duncvis wrote:
I'm on the fence with this one. Some acts are so unspeakable, so vile and their perpetrators so beyond rehabilitation that incarcerating them seems pointless - why warehouse a waste of oxygen like that, when their actions don't warrant it? if someone behaves in a manner unfitting that of a human being, they forfeit the right to be treated like one. A vicious animal which attacks people is put down, since that is its nature. So should it be with those who commit the most appalling offences.
The problem with this is that of proving beyond doubt their guilt - history is littered with unsafe convictions, trumped up charges, miscarriages of justice. You can't unexecute an innocent person.
My problem actually isn't so much the execution itself but the display of 'righteous' hate the general public does. I think if we are gonna execute people, which I don't think we should, it should be a somber occasion, not a celebratory one. A family is still losing a loved one.