ruveyn wrote:
WilliamWDelaney wrote:
Well, one thing that I will say is that the impact of global warming has been considerably worse under the Obama administration. Although I do not consider Romney to be a much better prospect, I hope that we will have a president soon who has a better policy on the climate. Other environmental problems we have had under the Obama presidency include some very bad tornadoes we had last year.
Romney has exactly one advantage. He is not Barak Obama.
Obama has been one of the strongest chief executives we have had since FDR.
I know people like you. You gobble up every bit of campaign trash talk you hear about Barack Obama, and you never question it or investigate it. To me, that makes you look really ignorant.
Obama's economic record is pretty good. He managed to bring the recession under control, and most people can't seem to comprehend that it would have gotten a lot worse without intervention. We were looking at fiscal apocalypse. Thanks to Barack Obama, the disaster has been somewhat mitigated. Many people were never even directly affected by the meltdown.
Furthermore, Obama has slowed down spending considerably. Although I am skeptical of the campaign talk about it being the "slowest rate of growth in spending since Eisenhower," Barack Obama has nevertheless been very strong in the area of bringing government waste under control.
Also, "Obamacare" is actually the brainchild of an MIT economist, named Jonathan Gruber, among others. Obamacare isn't something that a politician came up with at all. The brains behind it are those of some of the best economists our country has. There are a lot of deceptive attacks on it out there, but it's really going to do a lot to help the deficit.
Here is a paper that gives you a fairly detailed picture of how and why it's going to work.
If you would just read the facts, Ruveyn, you would realize just how much you have been used and deceived. The lies about this and many others are everywhere, and obviously a lot of money and a lot of energy has been pumped into spreading many falsehoods. The reality is that, if you look at the facts, Obama's presidency has been extremely successful.
I get really annoyed with ignorant people who are intent on trashing the Obama presidency, when they do nothing but repeat thoroughly bogus campaign year trash talk.