Candidates you side with...
Gary Johnson
on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, science, social, immigration, and foreign policy issues.
Ron Paul
on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, and environmental issues.
Jimmy McMillan
on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, social, and foreign policy issues.
Mitt Romney
on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, and environmental issues.
Barack Obama
on science, social, immigration, foreign policy, and environmental issues.
Washington State Voters
on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, foreign policy, social, and science issues.
American Voters
on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, social, foreign policy, science, and environmental issues.
92% Libertarian
74% Green
67% Republican
61% Democratic
I liked the political party breakdown at the end more than the political candidate preferences, the Green was a bit unexpected for me, but I'd peg my Rep/Dem ratings as just about right.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez