Why Does Christian Religion Make Me SO ANGRY?

Joined: 22 Apr 2012
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I do find a lot of religious beliefs just quite comical. As though someone with a really weird drug trip has come up with all this stuff.
If only we could view what really happened historically that might actually be close to the truth!

If this were the case, greedy people could have found a way to exploit the mental state of the mentally ill people and told everyone the mentally ill person was a prophet and then threatened people to join their religion so they could control others.
I don't know why these people can't just leave people that don't believe in their religion alone. Instead, they just go and preach to nonbelievers and they appear delusional.
That is the sort of statement that makes my blood boil. It is a classic brainwashing technique. Make someone feel like sh** calling them and their family sinners, then offer to make them better - believe in the Christian god and you will be forgiven and loved! Poison someone's mind then offer them an antidote more insidious than the poison.

You completely took me out of context. Lost on earth said something about God wanting to kill her and her family for their sins. I simply said that this was not the case. I didn't call her and her family sinners, she did. I just used the same language she was using. It's this kind of jumping to conclusions that makes my blood boil.

That is the sort of statement that makes my blood boil. It is a classic brainwashing technique. Make someone feel like sh** calling them and their family sinners, then offer to make them better - believe in the Christian god and you will be forgiven and loved! Poison someone's mind then offer them an antidote more insidious than the poison.

You completely took me out of context. Lost on earth said something about God wanting to kill her and her family for their sins. I simply said that this was not the case. I didn't call her and her family sinners, she did. I just used the same language she was using. It's this kind of jumping to conclusions that makes my blood boil.

I'm not specifically picking on you with my reply. I'm angry with the whole guilt trip thing that Christians dump on everyone. Perfectly normal people made to feel there is something wrong with them "You are gay! Then you are a dirty disgusting sinner going to hell - pray to Jesus for forgiveness and God will help you to overcome your sinful ways and let you into heaven." - This is an extreme example to make my point, but less blatant guilt tripping goes on all the time in the church. I see people all the time who have been seriously screwed up with all this nonsense. Nonsense isn't the right word - brainwashing is the correct word.
I've left WP indefinitely.
First off, that doesn't change the fact that you accused me of doing something that I was, in fact, not doing.
Second off, in Christian theology everyone is a sinner. The word "sin" is a poor translation. The original word used was "het" which means "when an archer misses their target". Being a sinner is not exactly saying that there is something wrong with someone, it is an admission of imperfection. I am imperfect, you are imperfect, we are all imperfect. But God is willing to look past that. He doesn't require perfection of us. Are there those who attempt to dehumanize people by saying they are "sinners"? yes, there are. But that is not what it is about and I would remind any such people to judge not lest they be judged.

Joined: 22 Apr 2012
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Second off, in Christian theology everyone is a sinner. The word "sin" is a poor translation. The original word used was "het" which means "when an archer misses their target". Being a sinner is not exactly saying that there is something wrong with someone, it is an admission of imperfection. I am imperfect, you are imperfect, we are all imperfect. But God is willing to look past that. He doesn't require perfection of us. Are there those who attempt to dehumanize people by saying they are "sinners"? yes, there are. But that is not what it is about and I would remind any such people to judge not lest they be judged.
So if being a sinner does not mean "there is something wrong with us" and it just means we are imperfect, then why is eternal torture the punishment for sin? An even better question is why the Christian god would create humans, knowing they would become imperfect, and then torturing people in Hell forever for being the way he knew they would be? If the Christian god is real, did he plan on humans becoming sinners? Did he plan on this just so he could save some of them from sins, knowing that not all would be saved? It seems like a bunch of crap if you ask me.
Maybe the Christian god was merely a "youngster" when he created mankind; rather like a human child making models of people with clay and then bashing them together and breaking them; or taking a sadistic pleasure in gathering flies and pulling their legs and wings off.

I've left WP indefinitely.

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Maybe the Christian god was merely a "youngster" when he created mankind; rather like a human child making models of people with clay and then bashing them together and breaking them; or taking a sadistic pleasure in gathering flies and pulling their legs and wings off.

Well, I wouldn't say the Christian god is exactly like that. If he were to bash all of the clay models together and broke all of them, then the child wouldn't have any clay models left to be worshiped by. It seems reasonable that Yahweh's personality is a combination of narcissism and sadism. He would enjoy being worshiped, equally as much as he would enjoy the destruction of those who did not worship him.
Maybe the Christian god was merely a "youngster" when he created mankind; rather like a human child making models of people with clay and then bashing them together and breaking them; or taking a sadistic pleasure in gathering flies and pulling their legs and wings off.

Well, I wouldn't say the Christian god is exactly like that. If he were to bash all of the clay models together and broke all of them, then the child wouldn't have any clay models left to be worshiped by. It seems reasonable that Yahweh's personality is a combination of narcissism and sadism. He would enjoy being worshiped, equally as much as he would enjoy the destruction of those who did not worship him.
Perhaps a better analogy would be an engineer who made artificially intelligent robots and demanded that they worship him or face his wrath. Hmmmm. I know what people would think of such an engineer.

I've left WP indefinitely.

Joined: 22 Apr 2012
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Maybe the Christian god was merely a "youngster" when he created mankind; rather like a human child making models of people with clay and then bashing them together and breaking them; or taking a sadistic pleasure in gathering flies and pulling their legs and wings off.

Well, I wouldn't say the Christian god is exactly like that. If he were to bash all of the clay models together and broke all of them, then the child wouldn't have any clay models left to be worshiped by. It seems reasonable that Yahweh's personality is a combination of narcissism and sadism. He would enjoy being worshiped, equally as much as he would enjoy the destruction of those who did not worship him.
Perhaps a better analogy would be an engineer who made artificially intelligent robots and demanded that they worship him or face his wrath. Hmmmm. I know what people would think of such an engineer.

The analogy is good, but I have an idea for a modification of that analogy. How about an engineer that creates artificially intelligent robots and then programs them with a program that tells the robots to do good and obey the creator as well as a program that tells the robots to disobey and do evil and it turns out the program to do evil and disobey is the dominant program? Then the engineer commands the robots to worship him and obey him, knowing the robots would not, so then he destroys them when they act according to the dominant program.

Hey, don't blame God for the stuff people say about Him. What makes you think God hates you for being different? Is that in the Bible? Does that seem logical to you? What reason do you have to take people's word about that?

Hey, don't blame God for the stuff people say about Him. What makes you think God hates you for being different? Is that in the Bible? Does that seem logical to you? What reason do you have to take people's word about that?
there are all those "these people are abominations unto the LORD" and "The LORD shall spit them from his mouth," and "these things are detestable to the LORD your God," quotes in the Bible - you know, His Greatest Hits collection?
If you actually read the book, He comes across as a bit of an as*hole.
Et in Arcadia ego. - "Even in Arcadia, there am I."
To most Christians, Muslims, Jews, whatever, the name of their religion is just the equivalent of "decent human being". They were brought up into believing what they believe, and I don't think openly attacking them is constructive. Islam to a Muslim just means "decent person", just as Christianity to a Christian means "person with moral character". There may be problems with this way of thinking, this idea that you can sum up what it takes to be a good person in one word. You can make long arguments about how its all destructive and divisive,, and it may be true, but at the end of the day, I don't think its gonna do a damn bit of good for religious people. I think our job is just to treat people with respect, not act arrogant, treat all people well, and far more good will come out of it than arguing the merits of dogma systems.
A lot of Christians take a view on this I don't agree with. They tend to treat God as a personal butler, who you just ask for favors and he directly intervenes.
When you pray for help, you have to put yourself in a position to receive blessings. The help you get might be the courage to go to a doctor, or the doctor understanding you when your there. It's not magic like some believe.
BTW, many Christians, including the Catholic Church do not have an issue with Harry Potter.
There is nothing wrong with you ''lostonearth35''.
To be impartial toward these short sighted and cowardly fools is to allow their nonsense to impact your life, and impede progress in the years to come. It needs to be stopped now, and it is perfectly acceptable to be angry about it.
The united states lost the supercollider to another country because a majority of it's population were too ignorant to see merit in it.
I stand by the opinion that if you believe it, you should have to be amish.
Religion would go out of style overnight if it weren't so damn comfy.

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I'm a practicing Lutheran, and people pushing the stuff you rattled off piss me off, too.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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