superboyian wrote:
Keniichi wrote:
Why do some religions insist on affending other religions?
Cant we just live in peace?
Cant we just live in peace?
Even if there was no religion, people would still insist in creating war and conflict against each other.
Then why do people still blame religion, for their own actions against someone? o.o
Religion is simply man made and they claim that they're way of life is the way to go but tbh, all that ever does is lead to nothing but death at the end of the day.
Jesus himself is against religion, dunno how many people actually believe or agree with me on this statement but there are actual proof that he actually was. It's actually the Pharisees let alone that actually despised his ways and got him crucified on the cross, but it had to be fulfilled in order to bring hope and life into the nation. He died on that cross, shed his precious blood which paid the price for sin and rose from the dead and is still alive until this day, but you can't physically see him. That whosoever believes in him may have eternal life.
The whole Christianity came along after Jesus rose from the dead. As far as I know and as far as I've encountered, it happens to be the most true one. The whole reason now the name Christians even exist is because of the day the apostles came to Antioch, they were being called Christians as a sort of mockery and ever since then, the name Christian let alone that came into place. Although however, there have been scientific proof that it is correct and actually rather accurate, even up until this day it amazes me.
The whole Muslim or Islam religion happened when prophet Mohammed claimed he had an encounter yet there are some errors in the teachings and unfortunately promoting a lot of war and violence if you go deep into it yet some Muslims told me it promotes peace. How can it promote peace if there is one part that actually says you should disown your family if they don't believe or to kill someone for leaving their religion.
The whole Mormonism came along when Joseph Smith claimed he found a gold plated book of some sort but then there were other stories to it which just does not add up which I just find it to be bulls. Why would anyone even trust in a religion that just doesn't make any sense to them. Most of these things don't sum up or make any sense whatsoever.
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
When Muslims start trying to prevent women from driving in the US, or beheading people in the US, I will start to spend as much energy on them as I spend on the Christians in the US who are actively trying to cut back my rights NOW.
Then, of course, there's the whole hypocrisy thing....
superboyian wrote:
The whole Muslim or Islam religion happened when prophet Mohammed claimed he had an encounter yet there are some errors in the teachings and unfortunately promoting a lot of war and violence if you go deep into it yet some Muslims told me it promotes peace. How can it promote peace if there is one part that actually says you should disown your family if they don't believe or to kill someone for leaving their religion.
""If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."
LKL wrote:
When Muslims start trying to prevent women from driving in the US, or beheading people in the US, I will start to spend as much energy on them as I spend on the Christians in the US who are actively trying to cut back my rights NOW.
Which of your "rights" have the Fundies taken away from you?
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
Well, I might complain about muslims doing that, except I don't see that s**t every single day. I don't ever really meet any muslims, and if I do, nobody gets on a soapbox to proclaim "BEHOLD, FOR I AM A MUSLIM!"
I'm surrounded by Christians here in America. They LOVE to tell me they're christian and why I'm an evil person all the time. So of course I'm gonna complain about christians. I have no beef with muslims because muslims haven't done anything to piss me off. And for the record, if you read the bible, while it might not be quite as bad in terms of limiting what a woman is allowed to do, it definitely suggests that MAN is the master of everything, and that women are supposed to be subservient because it's their fault we got kicked out of the garden of eden. It even blames the pain of giving birth to a child on that very thing... That's pretty f****d up.
I think the reason people complain so much about christianity is because it's friggin' everywhere.
LKL wrote:
Then, of course, there's the whole hypocrisy thing....
""If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."
superboyian wrote:
The whole Muslim or Islam religion happened when prophet Mohammed claimed he had an encounter yet there are some errors in the teachings and unfortunately promoting a lot of war and violence if you go deep into it yet some Muslims told me it promotes peace. How can it promote peace if there is one part that actually says you should disown your family if they don't believe or to kill someone for leaving their religion.
""If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."
I must admit, I even didn't understand that part to begin with but what Jesus was talking about in this verse is the cost of following Jesus as to become a disciple of Jesus. There are some loved ones that may even turn against you, basically loving your family more than Jesus and even yourself in order to become his disciples. He was directing this to his disciples.
Thankfully, most of us don't actually get into this situation where we have to choose between Jesus and our loved ones.
It does sound like hypocrisy and I get these kind of things pointed at me quite a lot in Paltalk chatrooms mainly by muslims, but if you read the whole chapter, you may get a better understanding by it.
BACK in London…. For now.
Follow my adventures on twitter: @superboyian
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DerStadtschutz wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
Well, I might complain about muslims doing that, except I don't see that sh** every single day. I don't ever really meet any muslims, and if I do, nobody gets on a soapbox to proclaim "BEHOLD, FOR I AM A MUSLIM!"
I'm surrounded by Christians here in America. They LOVE to tell me they're christian and why I'm an evil person all the time. So of course I'm gonna complain about christians. I have no beef with muslims because muslims haven't done anything to piss me off. And for the record, if you read the bible, while it might not be quite as bad in terms of limiting what a woman is allowed to do, it definitely suggests that MAN is the master of everything, and that women are supposed to be subservient because it's their fault we got kicked out of the garden of eden. It even blames the pain of giving birth to a child on that very thing... That's pretty f**** up.
I think the reason people complain so much about christianity is because it's friggin' everywhere.
To tell you the truth, not one single man on this earth are purely good in God's sight, not even myself for hence Jesus died for us so we may have eternal life through his precious blood. But only confessing him as our lord and saviour and accepting him into our hearts.
They're supposed to preach about these things which is actually meant for those to repent from our sins and turn to him otherwise eternal death is on the way. Obviously that is not God's passion for each person but unfortunately many people follow that way.
Adam was supposed to be in charge of Garden Of Eden, instead of sorting her out, he decided to eat the apple and he knew what the outcome was, that's why as you may know, the world is what it is today.
[Edit: Fixed grammatical errors]
BACK in London…. For now.
Follow my adventures on twitter: @superboyian
Please feel free to help my aspie friend become a pilot:
Last edited by superboyian on 25 Nov 2012, 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
superboyian wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
Well, I might complain about muslims doing that, except I don't see that sh** every single day. I don't ever really meet any muslims, and if I do, nobody gets on a soapbox to proclaim "BEHOLD, FOR I AM A MUSLIM!"
I'm surrounded by Christians here in America. They LOVE to tell me they're christian and why I'm an evil person all the time. So of course I'm gonna complain about christians. I have no beef with muslims because muslims haven't done anything to piss me off. And for the record, if you read the bible, while it might not be quite as bad in terms of limiting what a woman is allowed to do, it definitely suggests that MAN is the master of everything, and that women are supposed to be subservient because it's their fault we got kicked out of the garden of eden. It even blames the pain of giving birth to a child on that very thing... That's pretty f**** up.
I think the reason people complain so much about christianity is because it's friggin' everywhere.
To tell you the truth, not one single man on this earth are purely good in God's sight, not even myself for hence Jesus died for us so we may have eternal life through his precious blood. But only confessing him as our lord and saviour and accepting him into our hearts.
They're supposed to preach about these things which is actually meant for those to repent from our sins and turn to him otherwise eternal death is on the way. Obviously that is not God's passion for each person but unfortunately many people follow that way.
Adam was supposed to be in charge of Garden and Eden, instead of sorting her out, he decided to eat the apple and he knew what the outcome was, that's why as you may know, the world is what it is today.
I prefer to live one good life without the threat of hellfire, you suggest that you can do any horrible act as long as you repent. I on the other hand have nothing to repent for, so I don't need an imaginary friend to stop me doing wrong, just my own conscience.
So do you wish to do bad things but the only thing stopping you is this threat of "eternal death", death by the way is eternal in it's very nature....? If that's the case, I hope you never lose your faith otherwise you may go on a killing spree....!
Blessed are the Cheesemakers
ruveyn wrote:
LKL wrote:
When Muslims start trying to prevent women from driving in the US, or beheading people in the US, I will start to spend as much energy on them as I spend on the Christians in the US who are actively trying to cut back my rights NOW.
Which of your "rights" have the Fundies taken away from you?
The verb I used was "trying."
I am not 100 percent well taught on christianity... But when I was forced to go to Christian Sunday school as a little youngin', we were required to sit in a room and listen to the bible be read to us. One of the stories that I vaguely remember is how Jesus had his "chronies" go out and kill others who were against their religion and those who were trying to make their own religion. How's that for peace and setting a good example?
Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face
Pondering wrote:
I am not 100 percent well taught on christianity... But when I was forced to go to Christian Sunday school as a little youngin', we were required to sit in a room and listen to the bible be read to us. One of the stories that I vaguely remember is how Jesus had his "chronies" go out and kill others who were against their religion and those who were trying to make their own religion. How's that for peace and setting a good example?
I believe the bible seems to contradict itself to most people. However the keyword is seems. It is my opinon that the Bible just specifies and gives exceptions to its rules.Also it helps to look at the context of the verse.
Also I wasnt talking about Christianity, I was referring to ALL religions/ people. It is in my opinion that people take things WAY out of context.
LKL wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
When Muslims start trying to prevent women from driving in the US, or beheading people in the US, I will start to spend as much energy on them as I spend on the Christians in the US who are actively trying to cut back my rights NOW.
I was simply referring to tolerance in general, not in regard to U.S. social policies.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
Prud wrote:
superboyian wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Even so, people seem to target Christianity more than anything else, mainly when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
They complain about Christians opposing abortion and same-sex marriage, but turn a blind eye when it comes to Muslims not allowing women to drive or be out in public without a male relative, and beheading homosexuals.
Well, I might complain about muslims doing that, except I don't see that sh** every single day. I don't ever really meet any muslims, and if I do, nobody gets on a soapbox to proclaim "BEHOLD, FOR I AM A MUSLIM!"
I'm surrounded by Christians here in America. They LOVE to tell me they're christian and why I'm an evil person all the time. So of course I'm gonna complain about christians. I have no beef with muslims because muslims haven't done anything to piss me off. And for the record, if you read the bible, while it might not be quite as bad in terms of limiting what a woman is allowed to do, it definitely suggests that MAN is the master of everything, and that women are supposed to be subservient because it's their fault we got kicked out of the garden of eden. It even blames the pain of giving birth to a child on that very thing... That's pretty f**** up.
I think the reason people complain so much about christianity is because it's friggin' everywhere.
To tell you the truth, not one single man on this earth are purely good in God's sight, not even myself for hence Jesus died for us so we may have eternal life through his precious blood. But only confessing him as our lord and saviour and accepting him into our hearts.
They're supposed to preach about these things which is actually meant for those to repent from our sins and turn to him otherwise eternal death is on the way. Obviously that is not God's passion for each person but unfortunately many people follow that way.
Adam was supposed to be in charge of Garden and Eden, instead of sorting her out, he decided to eat the apple and he knew what the outcome was, that's why as you may know, the world is what it is today.
I prefer to live one good life without the threat of hellfire, you suggest that you can do any horrible act as long as you repent. I on the other hand have nothing to repent for, so I don't need an imaginary friend to stop me doing wrong, just my own conscience.
So do you wish to do bad things but the only thing stopping you is this threat of "eternal death", death by the way is eternal in it's very nature....? If that's the case, I hope you never lose your faith otherwise you may go on a killing spree....!
It wouldn't necessarily be a good life without knowing your creator, it would just be impossible. How can a clay make itself? It just simply can't. Even though you can't physically see God which is why you would say He is an imaginary friend but spiritually, he is around but he lives outside time. It is better to know your safe rather than sorry.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Anyway, I can't really force you at the end of the day since God has given each of us a free will to do whatever we want at the end of the day. I hope I don't lose faith either.
BACK in London…. For now.
Follow my adventures on twitter: @superboyian
Please feel free to help my aspie friend become a pilot:
Keniichi wrote:
Pondering wrote:
I am not 100 percent well taught on christianity... But when I was forced to go to Christian Sunday school as a little youngin', we were required to sit in a room and listen to the bible be read to us. One of the stories that I vaguely remember is how Jesus had his "chronies" go out and kill others who were against their religion and those who were trying to make their own religion. How's that for peace and setting a good example?
I believe the bible seems to contradict itself to most people. However the keyword is seems. It is my opinon that the Bible just specifies and gives exceptions to its rules.Also it helps to look at the context of the verse.
Also I wasnt talking about Christianity, I was referring to ALL religions/ people. It is in my opinion that people take things WAY out of context.
What would help a lot is reading the whole chapter rather than just randomly picking up the verse which most people tend to read it or get it out of context. So I do agree with you with the fact that people get it out of context but also, people tend to interpret it differently than others, so not everyone would exactly get perspective of it.
What most people do is actually listen to the pastor or their teachers speak about a specific topic but actually not find out about it for themselves for why it would all seem very contradicting for them. It would then get to the stage where you'll either be like, sod it I'm just gonna give it up and not believe any more or just find it out for yourself (which is always the best thing).
There is the old testament which is now pretty much irrelevant to us now, however it tells you about the history the prophets and the true men of God were like back then before the new covenant which is Jesus Christ which then leads to the new testament, which is actually more relevant to us now.
As for other religions, it just makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
BACK in London…. For now.
Follow my adventures on twitter: @superboyian
Please feel free to help my aspie friend become a pilot:
Tim_Tex wrote:
It wouldn't necessarily be a good life without knowing your creator, it would just be impossible. How can a clay make itself? It just simply can't. Even though you can't physically see God which is why you would say He is an imaginary friend but spiritually, he is around but he lives outside time. It is better to know your safe rather than sorry. ![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Anyway, I can't really force you at the end of the day since God has given each of us a free will to do whatever we want at the end of the day. I hope I don't lose faith either.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Anyway, I can't really force you at the end of the day since God has given each of us a free will to do whatever we want at the end of the day. I hope I don't lose faith either.
If it is impossible for "a clay"? to make itself, who or what created this god character? And if this god appartently gave you free will, why would he/it punsih you for using it to not accept that he exists. Threat of punishment does not suggest you have any free will, that would be predatory coercion, your belief is based on a "gun to the head" mentallity.
Anything I would say or do as a result of predatory coercion could not be classified as my free will, but my complience due to intimidation.
Blessed are the Cheesemakers
superboyian wrote:
It wouldn't necessarily be a good life without knowing your creator, it would just be impossible.
You're projecting. Many of us lead good, happy lives without ever having to suppress the urge to kill anyone, much less eat our children.
How can a clay make itself? It just simply can't.
Clay is the fine-grained result of the weathering of rocks. It does not make itself, but it doesn't require any deity's involvement either.
Even though you can't physically see God which is why you would say He is an imaginary friend but spiritually, he is around but he lives outside time. It is better to know your safe rather than sorry. ![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Ahhh, good old Pascall's wager.
On that basis, I should pick the deity(s) that promises the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort, and/or the deity(s) with the worst hell should I refuse their offer. The Muslim hell is pretty bad, but I'm not really interested in getting 72 virgins when I die. I kind of like the Buddhist or Hindu version, where you get to be reborn here on Earth, or, if you're really good, to become one with everything - a part of god itself.