abacacus wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
At this juncture the most reliable way of -stopping- someone from doing us physical harm is the use of a fire arm. Tasers are too unreliable. Spray won't work in a windy place and can blow back on the user. Most people are not fit or well trained enough to use judo, k,ung foo or some such unarmed modes. This pretty well leaves firearms. Perhaps someday we shall have phasors which we can set to stun. But that day is not here yet.
This. Guns are currently the most efficient and effective means of self defence. I am however eagerly awaiting the further development of tasers, because when they work they work
well.I would also point out that guns aren't always lethal.
It would take a taser that is:
1. Very reliable.
2. Can fire multiple times and rapidly if needed.
3. Effective at distances greater than what they are capable of now.
4. All this and be compact and light as what most of us carry as a handgun.
It would have to posses those qualities and maybe some I'm not thinking about before I would even remotely consider carrying one instead of a handgun.
Gunshots are fairly commonly non-lethal, depending on factors. If it comes down to it you shoot to neutralize, not necessarily to kill. The object being to get them quickly rendered incapable of posing a further threat to you.
It basically boils down to shooting them until the are down.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson