AspieOtaku wrote:
The USA will no longer be a super power and China will take its place as a super power and the next ice age will happen so I envision a colder world and run by Chinese people!
that's Sino-Fantasist hogwash. The US Nuclear Stockpile alone will guarantee "Super-power" status for a VERY long time.. I honestly don't know why we quit calling Russia a Super Power... oh right, hubristic neo-cons in washington decided to stop.. just cause.
You're also taking it on faith that the Chinese growth pattern is going to continue, which is something most economists seemed sure about a few years ago but now seem to be doubting considerably. Just like all the other Asian Tiger countries that have done this Capitalism by State Committee method to suddenly grow their economy by multiples, and then suffered severe stagnation as a result of having a seriously niche manufacturing center...
Don't get me wrong, they are a country which has suddenly jumped the queue and demanded respect, but they are not going to be the world's 'Sole Superpower' anytime soon, if at all. They couldn't do the job right now even if they wanted to, they have no reliable Heavy lift capability.. they have no ability to project force across the globe, they are one of MANY new economic superpowers.. but militarily they are still only a regional power for a very long time.. and if they keep rattling their sabres over pissant little islands.. it's going to force their smaller neighbors into tighter and tighter orbits around each other and the United States out of fear of suddenly having China do to them what Russia did to Georgia a few years ago.