Misslizard wrote:
God help me,I won't talke a swig and look again
Better put the bottle down,at least it wasn't the Bushmills,if I spilled that it would be alcohol abuse.
Next time I'm in Northern Ireland I really must go to the Bushmills Distillery (I've been to Bushmills the town -
very loyalist). I went to the Hilden Brewery for a (extremely expensive and disappointing) beer festival, and I've also been to a pub that I think was the brewery tap of Whitewater Brewery, which is based near Kilkeel.
visagrunt: It's not just African nations that have a serious problem with gay-bashing but you can also count much of the Caribbean - Jamaican homophobia is frankly legendary - and the remaining Muslim countries in the Indian subcontinent too.
Misslizard wrote:
We had a hilarious bumper sticker that said "Don't drink and drive,you might hit a bump and spill it."
My mum tells a very similar variation of that joke with regularity.