Feralucce wrote:
However... If that is the case, then you are stuck in a conundrum... The will of the masses supercedes the will of the individual in an effect referred to in mysticism as "Consensual Reality." The simplest way to explain this is ... if I can convince a majority of the planet that unicorns exist in kansas... then there will be unicorns in kansas... This theory states that magic used to be a real thing, but as the age of reason came to be and science became the believed form of reality, it fell into the annals of history...
IF this is the way the universe functions, your will has to overcome the will of the masses to make any changes beyond that of the self...
I disagree...
Even one word from another individual can provide healing power..It is dependent on the observer and 'whatever' the source of the energy may be that is the healer...
However..this lies within the realm of complex human emotion..and without that..a person will likely never understand what I am indicating here...
As no two people share the exact same perceptions of life..as currently understood by science...
So in effect every person experiences...
A different Universe as the observer who influences the reality that IS...
By creating an illusion of their own reality...if one wills...
And there is every opportunity for every connection in life..to influence another connection in life to change the course of each person's construct of human reality..varying from individual to invidiual..with the emotional connections being what bonds people together..and creates real change in the world..the human kind..if one wills..step by step...on a 'golden spiral journey'...