Fnord wrote:
Yeah, but ...
... did you read the entire article?
... do you think there was a shout-out to WrongPlanet?
... have you experienced any of the same issues as the author?
I know this thread is pretty old... but yes I have read that article as well as one of Brant Hansen's books.
I don't know if he intended it to be a shout-out to WP. I think I've heard "wrong planet syndrome" used as a nickname for AS in other contexts not related to the forum though.
Being an Aspie (unbeknownst to me until a few months ago) and a strong Christian (and a pastor's kid) who feels more alien around American Christians than with any other group, I relate to SO many of Brant Hansen's experiences. When I first heard his story a few months ago, it resonated with me a lot and now I listen to his podcasts (which he calls "oddcasts" lol).
For I do not want you to be unaware of the affliction I experienced. For I was so utterly burdened beyond my strength that I despaired of life itself. Indeed, I felt that I had received the sentence of death.
But that was to make me rely not on myself but on God who raises the dead. He delivered me from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver me. On him I have set my hope that he will deliver me again.
2 Corinthians 1:7-10, Holy Bible