AspieOtaku wrote: heres more info on gutter oil.
Yeah, I did some reading. It's not quite as cut and dry as the video makes it seem. The oil seems to mostly be diverted industrial oil (they apparently already did my grand idea...) Which has happened before even in Europe, just not with recycled oil. So the problem is less how do you stop the practice of making it, because it's fine for industrial use, and more how do you regulate food oil manufacturers and businesses enough? Oddly China is pretty weird. Despite accepting bribes at the local level for this type of stuff, their courts don't f**k around, and most of the "kingpins" in these food scamming things end up getting life in prison or the death penalty.
But on a side note, I watched a slideshow of the gutter oil production from a legitimate company, and it's really neat. They actually get food waste and use the waste food to power the furnace used to heat the oil up. It's really neat. The other problem, too, is motor oil. Sometimes gutter oil has motor oil in it.
Still, this strikes ideas in the USA. If food waste could be sorted and sold, you could really do a lot with it. We waste like 1/3 of our food anyway.