Preventing terrorism
ruveyn wrote:
TheGoggles wrote:
The ethics of war and the ethics of basic human decency are entirely different things. The Obama administration has taken a great pains to cover up the killing of civilians by reclassifying them arbitrarily and imprisoning journalists who wanted to expose the truth. Sociopathic policies in regards to armed conflict aren't new, and they aren't finished. But that doesn't mean they should be accepted.
When war starts morality and ethics end.
That is the main reason why war is undesirable.
Then perhaps it's time that we all started choosing leaders whose morality and ethics are more important to them than puffing their chest to prove a point. The only reason war is allowed to continue is because the citizens of the world let it, there's nothing stopping our soldiers from ceasing aggressions with each other (other soldiers) aside from blind hatred on both sides (the act of a primitive mind in full swing). If we want to advocate that our current society is evolved, advanced, etc. then we have to be willing to show that it's true by forcing real change and standing against these kinds of acts. As my father has always said: "lead by example". Right now, the examples aren't too good.
Writer. Author.