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18 Dec 2013, 6:22 am

From a management perspective, the US is a HUGE clusterf**k.
Bloated, inefficient, incompetent, corrupt federal government.
50 separate, bloated, inefficient, incompetent, corrupt state bureaucracies under that.
Then if that wasn't enough, toss in hundreds of completely broken city bureaucracies.

It's amazing anything functions.

This is a big country, with many layers of even bigger government.
Comparing it to countries 2-10% it's size is like comparing apples & oranges.

There are more people in the Seattle-Tacoma metro area than the nation of New Zealand.
There are more people in the State of California than in Canada.

And guns in the US, they are here to stay.

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18 Dec 2013, 3:05 pm

michaelhart22 wrote:
seriously why do you need your guns ... .

I like shooting firearms (I'm not even in the US).

Target shooting, blowing up bottles and hunting if it presents itself -- it doesn't hurt anybody, and it's just as much a valid hobby and sport as any other.


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18 Dec 2013, 4:02 pm

I find it hilarious how people bash the second amendment.

Frankly, it's a LOT easier to get a firearm in this country than it is to get psyciatric help. I don't really think it's the gun laws that need to be changed here...

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18 Dec 2013, 4:55 pm

And having access to a firearm will magically make someone homicidal. Seriously.

If someone is able to kill another person (it's mentally hard and most people can't, even in defensive situations), it doesn't matter what weapon they have access to.

That's something many people don't understand.

Sure, a better weapon can mean you could be more effective -- but that's one of those variables that are usually affected by external sources rather than weapon. Someone killing a whole heap of people over a period of time via strangulation compared to a single event with an "assault weapon" -- it's the same thing.


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18 Dec 2013, 4:59 pm

Paul92 wrote:
The USA is a f****.

What other modern countries, with western idologies, and such massive wealth, still practice the death penalty, don't have a proper healthcare system, don't have a state welfare system, don't have proper gun control, and still continue to spy on their citizens, against their wishes, and could possibly declared constitutional?

Essentially, the USA is a country, that prides itself on being a modern 21st century, although the reality, is that although it may look like it on first glance, but the dudes running the joint, still think like they are in the 18th century.

As long, as the mindset, of those in power doesn't change, I can't see the USA improving anytime soon. People need to wake up, and move away from the traditional Democrat/Rebublican governments, and get some other guys in.

We are all very sad that you think this of us, and because citizens of other countries don't like the way we are running our own country, while still managing to go around and get other countries out of total clusterfucks, I vote that we 1. stop helping other countries out of s**t creek when they fall into it, and 2. completely overthrow the government and install one that has been set up for us by popular vote from people who do not live here and who are not even effected by our way of life and policies.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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18 Dec 2013, 5:06 pm

Funny note:

The US constitution is still the most progressive one going.

The 2nd Amendment is actually "modern" and "progressive". Going back to more and more control of people's lives is winding the clock back.

That's also something many people fail to understand.


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18 Dec 2013, 5:11 pm

Paul92 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Paul92 wrote:
The USA is a f****.

What other modern countries, with western idologies, and such massive wealth, still practice the death penalty, don't have a proper healthcare system, don't have a state welfare system, don't have proper gun control, and still continue to spy on their citizens, against their wishes, and could possibly declared constitutional?

Essentially, the USA is a country, that prides itself on being a modern 21st century, although the reality, is that although it may look like it on first glance, but the dudes running the joint, still think like they are in the 18th century.

As long, as the mindset, of those in power doesn't change, I can't see the USA improving anytime soon. People need to wake up, and move away from the traditional Democrat/Rebublican governments, and get some other guys in.

While I agree there are a lot of major problems here, we do have a welfare system...though it could be improved. And how do you define proper gun control exactly?

Welfare system in the USA, is second to none, compaired to other developed nations.
While there is, to some degree a welfare system in the US, it's not easy to access it's resources!

in NZ, we don't need full on court cases, and attorneys, just to get disability funding. You just go to the local governent agency in your area, and they will set you up with a disability grant, usually with just one, or two appointments at the most.
Also, if the walfare system in the US, so significant, then why do they still have scores of homeless people floating about?

Regarding gun control, within the USA, it's easy to order just about any gun under the sun, and ammunition over the internet, usually no checks needed/carried out.
Anywhere else, including NZ, you can not get a gun, or even some air rifles without providing strict documentation, and anybody selling guns, the same way as in the USA, will get arrested, and locked up. Here, you can get guns online, but it's so strict, and regulated, nobody bothers.

As I said the welfare system we have needs improvement I wouldn't say its 'so significant' because you're right a lot of people still do slip through the cracks...but to say we don't have one is a little inaccurate. As for guns I think people kill people...even if they effectively banned guns there are plenty of other ways for people to kill each other. Perhaps gun sales need more regulation I am not really sure, but I don't think guns themselves are the problem.

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18 Dec 2013, 8:30 pm

Kuklinski and Chikatilo, prolific serial killers (Kuklinski was paid, but killed on his own, too), never used guns.

Ridgeway, the Green River Killer, never used a gun, nor did Bundy.

All of these are believed to have murdered over one hundred people each.

If some one wants to kill, he will.



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18 Dec 2013, 9:47 pm

Paul92 wrote:
Regarding gun control, within the USA, it's easy to order just about any gun under the sun, and ammunition over the internet, usually no checks needed/carried out.
Anywhere else, including NZ, you can not get a gun, or even some air rifles without providing strict documentation, and anybody selling guns, the same way as in the USA, will get arrested, and locked up. Here, you can get guns online, but it's so strict, and regulated, nobody bothers.

Uh, no, on both counts. Are you at all familiar with the gun laws of the United States, all 20,000+ of them? Maybe you should do a little research before opening your mouth next time.

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18 Dec 2013, 9:54 pm

Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack

SAN DIEGO—Following the events of last week, in which a crazed western lowland gorilla ruthlessly murdered 21 people in a local shopping plaza after escaping from the San Diego Zoo, sources across the country confirmed Thursday that national gorilla sales have since skyrocketed.

“After seeing yet another deranged gorilla just burst into a public place and start killing people, I decided I need to make sure something like that never happens to me,” said 34-year-old Atlanta resident Nick Keller, shortly after purchasing a 350-pound mountain gorilla from his local gorilla store. “It just gives me peace of mind knowing that if I’m ever in that situation, I won’t have to just watch helplessly as my torso is ripped in half and my face is chewed off. I’ll be able to use my gorilla to defend myself.”


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18 Dec 2013, 10:58 pm

How is second hand "clever" working out for you?

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19 Dec 2013, 12:18 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
rapidroy wrote:
There are plenty of shootings here in Canada also, just look at Toronto's news. Our population is much smaller(about the same is the state of California) so that helps reduce the numbers of shootings that end up in the news.

I wonder if there is any country where there haven't been any shootings or simular killings by other means.
Where there are guns there will be shootings, where there is people there are going to be fights and disagreements. I think that covers just about every country there is.

Just about every country and its citizens like to think or claim to be the best yet it is clear we all have a long way to go before anyone can make that claim, or at least with any pride.


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19 Dec 2013, 1:28 am

There's been massacres all over the world with all types of objects used; serial killings too. Duh to murder. Same with suicide.

Social aspects (poverty and lack thereof, education, health services and whatnot) play the biggest part with "preventable" incidents from all I've read.


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19 Dec 2013, 2:50 am

[Moved from Random Discussion to PPR]

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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19 Dec 2013, 7:33 am

I'll just leave this here

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


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19 Dec 2013, 8:32 am

You have to separate "American Shootings" into 2 categories:

1) Mass shooters

2) All other firearm homicide

The reason being they have two completely different profiles, have very different causes, and have vastly different solutions. Mass shooters account for a very small minority of people killed by firearms - but they enjoy the vast majority of the media coverage. Laws that spring up geared to stop mass shootings are almost universally ineffective at stopping other kinds of firearm homicide - and vice versa.

In engineering terms, we're spending all our time trying to solve a corner case, and missing opportunities to deal with the much bigger problem.

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