Quatermass wrote:
Good choice! (How do you do a thumbs-up smiley?) I love Death from Discworld. In fact,
Reaper Man is my personal favourite of the Discworld novels.
Actually, I'm meeting Terry Pratchett on Wednesday.
You bastard! You lucky, lucky bastard!! !
Pratchett rocks, nuff said.
But anyway, immortallity i would dispise, but a tripled, even quadtrupled lifespan? Yes please. I think anyone who would want to become immortal should read Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire: Before i read it, i wanted to become immortal. However, there's always a price to pay, and as Rice hypothesises, that price is often one's own humanity.
Put it this way, we grow, develop our personalities in and become who we are in the light of a particular situation, a particular society. That way of life gradually shifts and changes, but think about how over time people become more and more locked into that time frame, that way of thinking as the world gradually moving onwards. We'd become alien to the world we live in (as if it wasn't alien enough already), losing everything we cared about: family, friends, favourate actors/authors, archetecture, stuff we feel at home with. It would be like a divorce with reality: we'd be so locked in the time period encompasing our first 50/60 years of life that we could never truely adapt to the world around us.
And that would be maddening.
But certainly an increased life-span. I mean i believe we reincarnate anyway, so death's a bit of a moot point, but i'd certainly like a long and furfilled life before i pass on.
Everybody's crazy in their own little way...