Hopefully this will shut a few people up
And how many have actually said that? A very small minority compared to the total population. I voted against him because to me he was the greater evil of the two. I'll gladly vote for a black conservative over a while liberal.
And there aren't any poor whites?

Whenever you exclude by race, regardless of the pretense, it’s racism.
I hope you tell me not to f*****g do something, child.
I can see we’re going to have a good time with you in this forum.
Yes, I’ll wake up tomorrow with hate and I’ll go to bed tomorrow night with hate. And in between then I’ll spend the day in hate.
It keeps me warm.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

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I'm gonna be the better man. I'll simply say you are all what I like to call "historically ret*d." Especially if you think Obama is our worse president, and even more if you think he's racist. You know what maybe Obama should've given a little more money to those under the line of poverty regardless of race, but guess what HE'S NOT OUT THERE TO PURPOSEFULLY UNDERMINE ANY OTHER RACE! ERGO OBAMA AINT A RACIST! Any more points brought up about Obama being racist are, and will be quoted by me as flawed arguments with no direct statements made by the president to prove it.
I challenge you all if you really think he is unconstitutional pleas cite with clause. What parts of the constitution has he directly stood against? Cause hell I know he hasn't done what Reagan did: directly wipe his ass with the constitution and continue to fund drug dealers and death squads.
I challenge you all if you really think he is unconstitutional pleas cite with clause. What parts of the constitution has he directly stood against? Cause hell I know he hasn't done what Reagan did: directly wipe his ass with the constitution and continue to fund drug dealers and death squads.
um 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments.
are you one of those "black people can't be racists" people?
clearly you're one of the "I love Obama. He can't do anything wrong. everything wrong under his presidency is congress' fault." people. At least you're not the " It's Bush's fault" people
lets see, he failed to abide by the treaty we had with Georgia to protect them if the Russians invaded him.
he said "you can keep your doctors" but that was a lie
he said "i'm not going touch your guns" but that was a lie
he said he was going fix the economy but hasn't instead focusing on banning guns and making criminals(illegal immigrants" legal.
He strongly favors African Americans.
He said we would pull out of Afghanistan, but is trying to extend deployments there for another 2 years.
He tried to get us in war with Syria , he gives the Russians whatever they ask and we get nothing in return. He spies on our allies, takes a tour to middle east and visits everyone but our allies. He bowed to foreign leaders. The president of the USA doesn't bow to anyone . He makes us look weak to the world. people in other nations laugh at him. when they should respect him and us.
Hes done nothing to get rid of bad laws like the patriot act instead building them up. He expands the use of drones on US soil. He removes our protection from being held without reason for as long as they want. I could go on. He's been very busy and still has years to go. you won't change your mind though since you have a crush on him. you will undoubtedly disagree anything anti Obama, call me a racist and you know you're dealing with a smart reasonable person when they start calling people who disagree dumb and ret*d, by the way a bad word to use on aspergers forums and in general. Haven't you seen the don't use the R word campaign?
As political upset i get, I never go to calling people names, it Immediately invalidates your arguments with most intelligent people. Is he the worst president no, we had a guy who was a traitor to the usa after being president. Is Obama pretty high on the list of worst presidents yes.
now to the super strong antis, who i know some, he is our president, his skin color should have nothing to do with it (please tell him that).
Maybe he tried his best, even though hes not knowledgeable on certain topics and has mad no attempt to learn or he is just anti constitutions. I really don't know could be either way. He hasn't done a great job. He set out to unite the nation and instead has divided it pretty similar to before the civil war. the nation is so Republican or democrat now. He said he would work with the other party but instead refused to compromise and tried to go around them.
as OliveOilMom we will probably get a republican for the 8 years after Obama. His approval ratings are down, and people have a lot of mistrust for democrats now. And year Congress is messed up too, but thank goodness for the republican controlled house, American freedom lives on for now.
so go ahead tell me how wrong me and over half of the nation is, and how great Obama is.

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I just wish he hadn't given me false hope about potentially having Universal Healthcare....that is what it sounded like he was proposing back before Obamacare was actually formed. That said presidents don't have as much power as people think, as far as I know...so when a bad decision is mad it doesn't necessarily reflect the president having made a bad decision. I dread to see what canidates we will have next election...
We won't go back.
What's clear is that Obama was the lucky recipient of the beliefs of a group who in fact projected their wants onto the blank slate that he was in 2008. Presenting himself as a post-partisan consensus builder he has since been exposed as the undisputed master of agitation and rabble-rousing, well schooled in the Alinsky organizing methodology. The glib, swaggering, egocentric hipster thing has finally worn a tad thin. Life is not an old Elvis movie. If a man is an imposter, like Obama, even his most ardent admirers will eventually see the light. His lack of clarity, his aloofness, his failure to focus on ALL Americans, his knee-jerk reactionary policy, (as a means of projecting the "manliness" his leadership lacks) his tendency to talk centrist yet act leftist angers and alienates people. His problem is that he has no credibility and like a child in the midst of a tantrum, exhibits no maturity and little tolerance, demonizing anyone who dares disagree with him. He doesn't listen and negotiate, he lectures and whines.
Trusting that Obama ever cared about enhancing America's national stature and improving its material well-being requires the willful suspension of reason. There's nothing in his actions to indicate he's interested in anything other than expanding the role of government and spending like a crazed teenager with his taxpayer-funded credit card. It is very clear as to what kind of president he turned out to be, petty, vindictive and hypocritical.
The lasting legacy of the Obama presidency is one of diminished standards.

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Lets see construction companies are downsizing now because they ca't afford to buy healthcare for their employees so oh guess what? My husband is out of work! Every single one of them said it's because they can't provide the healthcare so they let people go. Sorry, no new hiring here.
Thank you Obama!! !!
I went to the ER with a thrombosed hemherroid and the dr said that he had to refer me to a private dr cause he's not allowed to do non emergency procedures anymore, cause of Obamacare. So, Obama has LITERALLY became a pain in my ass.
Thank you Obama!
You have no idea kid. You don't. If your parents lost their house and you lost your home because of his bs, then you might feel differently. If it actually effected you, then you might too. But it hasn't, so you are still there, all starry eyed yelling hope and change! Well that sh** ain't happening. He's the worst president we ever had! I voted for him once, the first time. Then this last time, I even voted for the Mormon instead!
His color has nothing to do with it. I could give a rats ass about that. I could also give a rats ass about his religion, although from what I know he's Christian and Church of Christ, and even though I'm NOT Christian, I don't care.
Grow up kid. Read the papers, all of them. Conservative and liberal. Watch the news, all of it. Conservative and liberal. I've very much liberal on social issues. Very, very much. But on personal rights, I'd make Bush look like a New Dealer.
Hating Obama isn't a racial or religious thing. It's a common f***ing sense thing. I'll be glad in 16 when this is all over with. I hate that because of this, there won't be another Democrat elected to the White House for gods know how long though.
First, DON'T EVER f***ing CALL ME A KID AGAIN! I'm 20 years old, I'm a god damn adult, and from what I can tell I am smarter than you!, I voted to re-elect Obama two years ago, and I am damn proud he won re-election, against some Mormon psycho! You claim religion has nothing to do with it, but mamasita you don't even how much your opinions are based from observations on Obama's private life! If you really new anything about those liberal and conservative "news" programs you talk about, then you would know that they only tend make judgements on the President's political life based on his private life.
So now that that's out of the way. I can calmly ask: why are you blaming Obama for why the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act got so f**** up? It wasn't originally like the way it was, it changed only until the republicans decided they had to play "who's got the tinier dick?" that Obamacare was riddled with unfair compromise that leaned towards Republican and corporate goals. Also wouldn't the construction company be the ones who had to choose to downsize? In my opinion why weren't you and you're husband more pissed at the companies CEO for not coughing up the extra dough, they would obviously have if they where big enough? The only way I would see that as Obama's fault was if it was some small-town small-time construction company.
Also screw liberals and screw conservatives! I'm a moderate lady, I walk the line searching for the only ideologies from both sides of the spectrum that actually benefit America, like you should do, like we all should be doing right now. Not playing this never-ending pissing contest. So next time I implore adhere more to A.B.C. before commenting on here again. And come back when you have a better attitude than "hate is common f***ing sense."
Oh and P.S. My f***ing home was foreclosed on! Thanks for reminding me.
Also P.S.S. before you call Obama the "worst president in history." Look up and research former Presidents James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, your opinion might change.
EDIT: Misread quote made untrue statement.
Considering that my oldest is 24, 20 is still a kid to me. If you walk around with the mindset of a kid, I'm gonna call you a kid.
I also don't care at all about Obama's private life. He can do whatever he wants in private, I don't care about his personal views on topics, I just care that he doesn't ruin the economy.
Now, when some of his hope and change BS messes up your life, then you might see the light. And when you do, I told you so.
It's amazing that the Obama defenders are so much shriller and obnoxious than the Bush defenders were. I didn't much like either of them. Clinton was OK, but to be honest, our economy was the best under Reagan. I disagreed with him on lots of issues, but the economy rocked back then. You weren't born or anything, so you don't remember, but it was.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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Me too! That's the main reason I voted for him the first time. He made it sound like it was going to be something like "AllKids" which is a program that the state of Alabama runs for kids whose parents make a little too much for Medicaid but not enough to afford health insurance. It's through BCBS, and you pay once a year on a sliding scale if you fall into that catagory, but many only pay a copay at the doctor and drugstore. What he came up with is a clusterf**k worse than what Hilary could dream up.
I remember being so excited about that election. I put up yard signs for people for him, gave out bumper stickers, literature, all that. I really thought he was gonna do some good. He did not. Plus, he was pro choice, pro gay rights. I'm very much pro choice and pro gay rights. I thought he was going to fix the problems with this country, but he just made more problems.
Also, people living paycheck to paycheck tend to feel the shifts in the economy a whole lot quicker than people do who have a cushion of savings, so lots of people didn't feel it so bad this last election. We felt it. The economy is the one big issue that I'm going to vote on from now on. I'm never, ever again voting based on healthcare, cause it's a scam. It's sort of like Obama showed up and asked to put sealer on my driveway cause they had some extra left over at the end of the day, and I paid him to do it. Like the Who says, "Won't get fooled again!"
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

The link to the forum is http://www.rightplanet.proboards.com

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Oh, and by the way sweetie, I'm a Pagan. So why would my opinions be based on what tv says about his religion? It's not mine, and I doubt there will ever be a Pagan president. Obama is not a Muslim, he's Church of Christ. I wouldn't care if he worshiped Satan or Justin Beiber, or if he screwed giraffes in his spare time, as long as the country was run smoothly. So, do you have any other assumptions you'd like me to clear up for you?
Plus, it's "knew" and "judgments". Those are just from that one little snip, so please don't be trying to pull the "I'm smarter than you because I think I am" thing on me until you can spell better than me. There are quite a few misspellings in your posts. I'm no spelling and grammar nazi, but when somebody starts telling me they are smarter than me, I think it's only fair to point those things out. I make a lot of typos myself, and don't bother to correct them because I'm not in the middle of telling someone I'm so much smarter than them because of my political opinions. In about five years you will probably see that thats a stupid reason to say you are smarter than everybody else.
And if you want to call me an ethnic term of endearment, try Nonna. Mamacita just doesn't work with me, although I do have a flamenco dress that looks beautiful.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

The link to the forum is http://www.rightplanet.proboards.com
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You first. Excluding someone based on race is…what? Definitionally what's happening IS racism. You can't get around that.
You first. You don't know what you're talking about.
Again…TOTALLY irrelevant. People are being excluded based PRECISELY on the color of their skin. Whites need not apply. Asians need not apply. Jews need not apply. This is black supremacy, hands down. It is RAAAAAAAACIIIIIIIST. You are just in denial.
Right. And your "beliefs" come from a deluded mind.
I'll be happy to. It violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
You may not be aware, but Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education on the basis of "separate is inherently not equal." What Obama is trying to to is revert back to Jim Crow, except this time the measures taken are constructed to disenfranchise everyone else who isn't black or hispanic.
As much as I enjoy discussions like this, there simply isn't any room for any on this matter. It's RAAAAAACIIIIIIIIIST.
You "hope" so. I'm not interested in your hopes and dreams. I'm interested in reality. Would that kind of thing go unopposed if the president were any other color/ethnicity and the proposed program was ONLY for people of THAT race/color/ethnicity? I'm telling you, there'd be a firestorm of hate if that happened and this simply wouldn't be allowed to happen. Because we don't like racism in this country. And a program, ANY program, that is by nature a racist program can't go unopposed. It is unjust. Oh, yeah, and ILLEGAL.
Yeah, more hopes and dreams. Go wish upon a star.
14th amendment, equal protection clause, and take a court case, any court case.
Then why didn't you dumby?
Had no reason to. I'm just saying the opportunities are THERE for anyone who wants them. My interests were better served at a state university in upstate NY (SUNY-Potsdam, if anyone cares).
What is a "dumby"? It resembles the word "dummy," so is that some sort of insult? It's difficult to effectively ad hominem attack someone's intelligence, or apparent lack thereof, when you can't seem to correctly spell the words you're using to insult someone.
I might add, as well, that this kind of thing violates the WP TOS. Mods have gotten me for less than that, so be careful.
You've torn your OWN holes, which, I think maybe you're beginning to see indirectly.
OK, so you see it my way. I'm glad to have been of service.
Giving people money to go to school is NOT a bad thing. But if poverty and cleaning up crime is what's in view, then that's what needs to be attacked. Not race. If, say, you wanted to target a specific demographic, then you make rules that pertain to that specific demographic in ways that it doesn't touch race. For instance, if the problems are central to a specific location within an urban area, then only people within that area get to apply. You take the racist language out and replace it with language about an "underserved community." You have to live HERE and your household income is less than $X. That's going to mean if there's a white guy, or a Jewish guy, or an Asian guy living there in a low-income family, that guy can apply and receive funding for school. But, common sense, if we're talking about a predominantly black neighborhood, it will by default predominantly serve blacks. Or hispanics, depending on where you are.
I'm all about helping people in poverty, and I don't care what skin color is. I consider myself color blind. But I also live within a geographic area that is notorious for promoting black supremacy among young people and encourages them early on to become totally dependent on federal/state welfare programs and ostracizes them for pursuing higher education and advanced careers. I know this…I used to work for a liberal lawyer AND I used to teach in predominantly minority schools (did you catch the political correctness I just used? School administrators taught me how to do that). So I don't mind telling you that it's easy to be "color-blind" until you're immersed in the culture and they slap you with color every day. No, I'm not a racist myself, but I'm closer to understanding how some people can become racists as the product of being a minority within an overtly hateful majority.
And, honestly, the period we live in is post-racial, so I avoid hateful people like the plague. It's becoming increasingly vogue for people to think of themselves less defined by their culture or skin color and more by what they want for themselves. Programs that make racial delineations are the opposite of progressive…they're rolling us back to Jim Crow.
Great thread for pulling out every deranged Obama hater on the board. But I'm not sure what you are going to do with them now that you've caught them.
To set the record straight: Obama is organizing *private* money from places like the Ford Foundation in a relatively small effort to do something about a historical problem. They are not tax dollars. It's an area he says he'll focus his philanthropy efforts on after he leaves office.
Whelp this has proven to me how many giblet heads are on this site. Seriously words can not express my disappointment. You all failed as Americans, you have no sympathy for stressful jobs, and all of you are on the "I could do a better job as president!" delusion train.
I mean come on you also seemed to like to nit-pick details that weren't my main point at all. You dragged this idea that I believe more of you should show loyalty to the president. You turned into a pissing match, in fact YOU ARE ALL EQUALLY AS WORSE AS THE LAWMAKERS HAVING THEIR PISSING MATCH IN DC! You people still calling me a f*****g kid which I still find insulting. I've gone through a lot of s**t, both of my parents have worked for the state and federal governments so I know what it's actually like on the inside of our governments and how they work, something none of you have a clue about. I've lost a home due to foreclosure, I barely got into college this year, but you know what people I'm not mad, cause I learned a long time ago hating the president, for trying his best to lead you jack-offs, is a bad thing. I was disgusted when I saw people depict GW Bush as a "racist" and a "Nazi." The only thing he ever had in common with Hitler was war-mongering. You should be disgusted in yourselves, before making baseless accusations, I still have not seen one shred of proof that Obama has tried to assert his race as superior than any other, OBAMA IS NOT A f*****g RACIST! Yet still you people are mad about man, giving privately raised money (NOT TAXPAYER DOLLARS!) to underprivileged. I'm the only historian here, I'm the only who knows the evils of past presidents apparently, you all seem to have forgotten or just don't care. None of you also grew up in the poor neighborhoods I had to, you don't know what it's like for disenfranchised Hispanics on the street, the people I grew up with, and I can relate to their immigration problems because of my Irish heritage, and I can understand why they and poor black men would need an extra $200,000,000 to get into college. So I challenge any of you walk down the most impoverished ethnic neighborhood where you live, and tell the people living there "you don't deserve an extra $200,000,000 to go to school" see how well your "opinions" work out with these people. For everyone claiming about there "disappointment" when he was elected, then look at the s**t he inherited, are any of you surprised? It was gonna be 50/50 chance but the fact you tried to make the election 100/0 chance than it's your fault you're so disappointed.
My goal of this post wasn't to prove Obama is awesome (I personally think he's kind of a douche), or to bring up racial debate (you all did that), it was to hopefully make you more understanding and more intelligent. Obviously I have failed, obviously I didn't make any of you smarter (in fact I believe more became stupider). So I'm going to leave you with this statement: You may all hate the president, but the president doesn't hate you, all he is trying to do is help, but i haven't seen anyone on here lift a finger to help there fellow American.
Edit: you know you are all lucky I didn't pick apart what you posted last night, cause it would have just been horrible for you!
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