Do you think muslims should be forced to wear a green crescent on their clothes at all times, identifying them as muslim?
I really dislike this religion and they scare me. I wish western countries weren't for religious freedom and would ban any activists like that
They are scary and intolerant.
The punishment for leaving islam is death or harassment. Also it is unbelievably sexist
Can't believe just how Islamophobic this thread has become. Why don't we take this to its logical conclusion:
Bin Laden was a Muslim. He killed thousands of people. Muslims are also "scary" and "intolerant" Therefore, we must discriminate against Muslims … ?
Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong were atheists. They were responsible for millions of deaths. Atheists are also godless nihilists. Therefore, we must discriminate against atheists … ?
Adolf Hitler was a Christian. Christians have also been known to be sexist and homophobic. Therefore, we should discriminate against Christians … ?
The KKK are white Americans. They are racist extremists. George Bush II WAS also a white American. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Americans live a decadent, bourgeois lifestyle. This thread itself could be used to show the intolerance of certain white Americans. Therefore, we should discriminate against white Americans … ?
Hitler was a nature lover. And anyway, they're all pot-smoking hippies and eco-terrorists who hate mankind. Therefore, we should discriminate against environmentalists … ?
The British National Party (BNP) (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_National_Party) are British. The British Empire was responsible for great atrocities. Anyway, we're stuffy, emotionally repressed and pedantic. Therefore, we British should be discriminated against ... ?
Emos have been driven to suicide, supposedly as a result of their subculture. They are whiney, angsty teenagers with an awful taste in music. Therefore, we should discriminate against emos … ?
The list could go on. Just because some members of a group are homicidal nutters, and there are certain stereotypes about that group (which may be true in some cases, but not all), does not mean the whole group is intrinsically "bad" and should face discrimination (which would change little and damage society).
"?I love not man the less, but Nature more.? - Byron
"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you" - Nirvana
I am an animal. Not normal is not bad. Question all. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all!