heavenlyabyss wrote:
My point was simply that the majority of the population doesn't have to hunt and gather for their own food. I realize some people have to do this, but I am not one of those people.
Some people hunt because they enjoy it. Humans are hunters by nature be it in the field with a gun in pursuit of game or other forms, but that's just how it is.
It just seems very strange to me how humans like guns so much.
For me it's a lifelong interest.
Animals don't shoot guns.
That made a lot of sense.
Guns and weapons are an example of human innovation gone wrong.
Guns HAD to happen as weaponry evolved just as the automobile HAD to happen as transportation evolved. There was no way for it not to happen.
Again, I am not talking about how things are at this very moment in time. Some people do in fact need guns to protect themselves. My post was meant to be an idealistic comment on how things should be, not how they are.
Not gonna happen. Even if it did guns and shooting would still be my hobby of choice.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson