What do you think about universal healthcare?

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21 May 2014, 8:39 pm

B19 wrote:
Maybe because you wouldn't like others seeing you as fitting the stereotype of the Ugly American? Or you enjoy being one?

With assets like this (and many many others) we can afford to be "ugly Americans". :P


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21 May 2014, 8:43 pm

Thanks for reminding me of this observation Raptor:

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21 May 2014, 8:53 pm

/\ Thanks for derailing the thread, B19.

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21 May 2014, 8:58 pm

Worth it given what you said.


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21 May 2014, 9:55 pm

Raptor wrote:
B19 wrote:
Maybe because you wouldn't like others seeing you as fitting the stereotype of the Ugly American? Or you enjoy being one?

With assets like this (and many many others) we can afford to be "ugly Americans". :P


An all volunteer military will become increasingly infeasible when people realize that those who hold the reigns of power, the owners and major share-holders of corporate America, don't give a s**t about them. And by don't give a s**t, I mean don't give a s**t if they live or die.


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21 May 2014, 10:10 pm

/\ And the average volunteer military personnel don't give a s**t if the captains of industry and their politicians die, either. Never have.

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21 May 2014, 10:32 pm

If that means a country uses tax dollars to guarantee everyone has healthcare than I am for it. If it means the government runs the hospitals than I'm for it. Socialism isn't a bad thing America, works well in Denmark. Denmark is the most developed country in the world with its Healthcare, $20 Minimum Wage, free Post-Secondary Education and Guaranteed income.

Most decent people will use the social safety net not to be a lazy leech. Most will use it to better their lives.

Socialism works!


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21 May 2014, 10:39 pm

We are witnessing the creation of a true two-tier health care system in the US. Until recently, an indigent patient at the local university hospital might be seen by the same physician who treated P&G's CEO yesterday, because all the docs took their turns rotating through there. Now the rich are fleeing to concierge medicine and medical tourism, and taking the best medical professionals with them. The rest of us will have to deal with VA-style crapcare, with its bureaucratic red tape, arbitrary rules, endless paperwork, and long waits to see too few doctors.

Claims that further government involvement in medicine will reduce costs, improve efficiency, or foster innovation are so far removed from reality that they might as well be written in Elvish.


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21 May 2014, 10:42 pm

Raptor wrote:
1. I could care less what any other county does as far as health care.



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21 May 2014, 11:03 pm


I should have made it:
I cud cair less wut no uther furrin kuntry duz fur helth cair. This is Amurica, dam yall commee heethins!

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22 May 2014, 12:09 am

TheGoggles wrote:
Raptor wrote:
1. I could care less what any other county does as far as health care.


Real as*holes just quote it and add a 'sic'.

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22 May 2014, 1:05 am

The lie was sold to the gullible and willingly stupid Americans to believe that the ACA was actually meant to help them. The AFC was in fact written by Walmart, big pharma and the insurance agencies in order to make more profits for them. It was never intended to increase access to health care nor to improve public health. And it sucks.

They knew that Americans wanted to believe it was designed to make life better and that clearly has not been the case. The whitehouse has retroactivelly(illegally) change the law after it had been passed without using an amendment process. They changed it so that the less popular requirements wouldnt go into effect until after Obama was out of office in order to prevent political damage in the next election.

I lost my insurance through my rents. I dont have a regular job and guess what, I cant afford insurance now. How is that supposed to help me?

The law is in shambles and among the somewhat younger more clued in crowed here in America it is considered to be a giant flop. Just another failure from a president full of promises who offered nothing more than the usual corporate selling out and garbage.

gamefreak wrote:
If that means a country uses tax dollars to guarantee everyone has healthcare than I am for it.

Socialism works!

http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/08 ... ntal-care/

"Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is failing to provide veterans with adequate mental health care and leaving many without treatment for their serious mental illnesses for months, according to a review by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The waiting periods have been so long in some cases that patients with depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have committed suicide while waiting for an appointment."

Then join the military, get your self an honorable discharge and maybe even a Purple Heart and some lifelong combat wounds. Then get in line with one of the secret (waiting for you to die) waiting lists in a government run VA hospital if you like it so much. That is unless of course you just kill your self after getting out of the military like a lot of other people do because they would literally rather die than go to the VA hospitals, or at least wait to see one.

22 vets a day with access to the government run VA health care commit suicide every day. That is the future of the ACA.


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22 May 2014, 2:18 am

I never said anything about the V.A Health System being any good. Being as my Dad, my GF's mom and my Uncle get care from the V.A I speak the contrary. There are many different Socialized health systems and the V.A is the worst of them.

You can't compare a poorly-run, incompetent system with a well-run system. While I am a fan of Single Payer I won't like aspects of Britains NHS. Mainly due to the fact that special medications are rationed by the city you live in. Like if you live in Manchester you can't get a treatment for renal cancer, but live in Chesire a few miles away and go to same hospital and you can. Actually happened to Tony Wilson, music mogul responsible for Joy Division and New Order.


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22 May 2014, 2:48 am

Im totally fine with Universal Healthcare its a bout time we had tax spent healthcare at affordable costs.

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22 May 2014, 3:46 am

Some food for thought:

- The US health care expenditure in 2011 per capita (PPP) is $ 8,508, or 17.7 percent per capita
- The Danish health care expenditure in 2011 per capita (PPP) is $ 4,448, or 10.9 percent per capita
- The US ranks slightly lower than Denmark in international comparisons of quality of care (WHO: Denmark at # 34 and US at # 37; Bloomberg: Denmark at # 38 and US at # 46)
- Denmark has universal coverage. According to the latest Gallup poll, 13.4 percent of US citizens aged 18 or older have no health insurance.

In fact, the US public health care expenditure exceeds total health care expenditure of many OECD countries (including France, which is considered by WHO to have the highest quality of health care in the world)


So... Compared to Denmark, the average US citizen is paying in excess of $ 4,000 more every year for slightly lower quality of care with less coverage.

- If the US had the same health care expenditure per capita in dollars as Denmark, total US health expenditure would be 8.2 percentage points of GDP lower. That is equal to $ 1.36 trillion, or 38.4 percent of the US federal budget.
- If the US had the same health care expenditure per capita in in percentage of GDP as Denmark, total expenditure would be 6.8 percentage points of GDP lower. That is equal to $ 1.1 trillion, or 31.1 percent of the US federal budget.

Add to this that several countries in the world have both (1) higher quality and (2) less expensive universal health care systems than Denmark, suggesting an even higher potential for improvement of the US health care system.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co ... per_capita
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Heal ... ms_in_2000
http://www.gallup.com/poll/168821/unins ... drops.aspx
http://www.bloomberg.com/visual-data/be ... -countries
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Unite ... ral_budget

Raptor wrote:
1. I could care less what any other county does as far as health care.

By all means, please keep managing your exceptional American health care system like this:


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22 May 2014, 5:00 am

luanqibazao wrote:

Claims that further government involvement in medicine will reduce costs, improve efficiency, or foster innovation are so far removed from reality that they might as well be written in Elvish.

So what you're saying is that you're concerned that what works in practice doesn't work in theory?