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09 Jun 2014, 10:40 pm

Yeah,well that's how I roll,be thankful I'm not in charge of the world.I'd show you gangsta. :D

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09 Jun 2014, 10:42 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Don't think I painted myself in a corner,two people,two babies.

Okay, so two people can't just have one is what your trying to say. They have to have like his & hers kids or it don't count. I'm afraid it don't work that way. Procreation is a union of two, not two individual gigs. How much more do I need to educate you?

I don't think life is a sh** sandwich,says something for your outlook on things.

Not my outlook but I am a realist. Try and tell that to some of the more whiny and pathetic liberal loafers who are always crying about how unfair the world is. :roll:

Glad to know you know some vocabulary words.
I know a lot of them.


Ah! A picture with words on it that we're supposed to accept as holy writ without question.

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09 Jun 2014, 10:54 pm

I had kids,do I need to educate you on how they came about.You have no idea what it takes to raise kids,and I made mine work in the garden.They learned where food comes from.Do you think that most will teach their kids how to provide sustenance?I would think as the devoted right winger that you are,that you would be conservative about how many kids you pop out.Its no different than over grazing cattle.
I never said it was holy writ.Do the math.
Bet I outscored you on the ASVAB vocabulary.I still have the test,can post and prove it.I kept it because a teacher once told me I was to stupid to ever read.

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09 Jun 2014, 11:07 pm

Misslizard wrote:
I had kids,do I need to educate you on how they came about.
You had two and that's how you arrived at your number for the rest of us to live by. If you'd had one it would be one, if you had three it would be three, etc....

You have no idea what it takes to raise kids,and I made mine work in the garden.They learned where food comes from.Do you think that most will teach their kids how to provide sustenance?
We don't all live in tha hillz.

I would think as the devoted right winger that you are,that you would be conservative about how many kids you pop out.Its no different than over grazing cattle.
A devoted right winger likes goveremnt meddling in their lives even less. How many different ways do I need to rephrase that for you?

I never said it was holy writ.Do the math.

You might as well have.....

Bet I outscored you on the ASVAB vocabulary.I still have the test,can post and prove it.I kept it because a teacher once told me I was to stupid to ever read.
How come you didn't join up, then?
BTW, you can't prove diddly like that. A period correct ASVAB can be fabricated and posted with whatever score you want it to have. If there is no way to authenticate something like that then it is, for all practical purposes, a fake.

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09 Jun 2014, 11:15 pm

Misslizard wrote:
PPR seems dead,we need controversy.
So,I think it should be a law globally that all people must be fixed after two kids.You have reproduced yourselves,why have more?And if you opt to have none ,so much the better,you can adopt.

I bump it up to four kids in honor of my grandmother. She had four.

I wouldn't force anyone of course but I would have doctors talk to women right after their fourth child is born and find out how many more they want. Most women have had their fill of kids by the fourth one though some may want more. If they do, I would not suggest they have their tubes tied. It would be very offensive to them. If they are tired and wondering how they will pay for all their children's education and what not I would suggest considering not having more, focus on the ones they have and getting tubes tied on either the hubby or the wife is a good way to keep from having more so long as they are faithful. Just because a woman has her tubes tied doesn't mean a man can't cheat and make a baby elsewhere. Faithful couples would be alright with having just one of them sterilized.

By the time the fourth one is born. most men are so worried about money matters most of them are clamoring to have a vasectomy anyway so no matter who they have sex with, no more babies. I know doctors will do the procedure on a man who hasn't any kids at all if he is worried about paying for any offspring. Since a women seldom pay child support, only collect, they aren't in such a hurry for a tubal ligation.

Mostly it's finances that scare a man to get a vasectomy.

I believe four is enough for most couples and some will stop before they have that many. Some will only have two. Even fewer, one. Still if they want to go and be like the Duggars I wouldn't be the meanie fascist to tell them they can't.

As for adopting, it's always very difficult for most couples to adopt in a timely fashion so that's not always as easy as it sounds. It is expensive, too. Most people put their money in the bank for their kids not spend all their money trying to conceive them. That's what you do when you adopt. And with restrictions on numbers of kids, there will be even less up for adoption anyway.


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09 Jun 2014, 11:21 pm

The original,in my possession
If you like I can post a picture of it with a plastic lizard on it ,you know ,to prove its real.
They recommended me for air traffic controller,what a joke.
I didn't enlist because I don't believe in killing people I don't know,ok,that's a joke.
That's not how I came by the number two,two people,two babies,seems fair.
Now,post your vocabulary score.

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09 Jun 2014, 11:36 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Now,post your vocabulary score.

Since I actually did something with the results of my ASVAB I didn't bother to memorize or keep it as if it were my only achievement in life.

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09 Jun 2014, 11:39 pm

Well goody for you,I kept it to prove a teacher wrong.Kudos to you for being so very high functioning that you didn't go thru the s**t some of us did.
Define achievement.

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10 Jun 2014, 1:18 am

Yeah, what we really need is men with guns and uniforms going around telling people how many babies they can have. And maybe performing forced abortions on violators. Surplus children born in secret to be taken away and killed, for the good of the collective?

It's chiefly people in or from the traditionalist, religious, statist, third-world countries who feel obliged to pop out whole litters of kids, in order to help get in the crops, or to care for parents in old age, or because God told them to, or whatever. As a country becomes more modern, more secular, and freer, smaller families become the norm and population growth levels off. This has happened many times.


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10 Jun 2014, 1:34 am

Fogman wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
PPR seems dead,we need controversy.
So,I think it should be a law globally that all people must be fixed after two kids.You have reproduced yourselves,why have more?And if you opt to have none ,so much the better,you can adopt.

Furthermore there should also be a steep fee to pay to have children, say, $250K per child. The world has 7 billion people and rescources are running out. If you want to help further overpopulate the earth, you should have to pay for the right to do so, at least until the global population reaches 19th century levels, which were @ 750 million - 1 billion people.

As someone living in europe, having an "generation-rent-system". So I should pay, that my kids will pay your rent. XD


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10 Jun 2014, 1:46 am

luanqibazao wrote:
Yeah, what we really need is men with guns and uniforms going around telling people how many babies they can have. And maybe performing forced abortions on violators. Surplus children born in secret to be taken away and killed, for the good of the collective?

I assume the "illegals" will be whisked away to be raised by the State in some Marxist re-education camp, where the slow or unruly kids will be purged "for the good of the State".

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10 Jun 2014, 7:19 am

I think governments shouldn't incentivise having more than two children, there are too many people.

There's something of a paradox here. The only way our current population is vaguely sustainable is because most of us live in abject poverty. The only way to fairly reduce population growth is to remove poverty...

Eventually there will probably be widespread authoritarian population control, either natural or man made. Essentially we have two strategies: kick it into the long grass and hope against all the odds that we come up with a happy solution, or jump on something humane-but-illiberal soon in order to prevent widespread ecosystem collapse later.


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10 Jun 2014, 8:08 am

Or, construct a lot of Lofstrom loops, proteroform Mars to allow for homesteading there, and ship a few hundred million of my generation off world.

Then, encourage population growth. We need an aggressively pro-natal civilisation, if we want to compete in this galaxy. Human space for humanity.

Well, I suppose we could just be the fledgelings complaining that our mother is laying too many eggs and our nest is getting crowded...


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10 Jun 2014, 8:31 am

Another commie initiative, like what right do people have to be limited in the number of children a matter of what they state in their favor permits. China, they try this for many years somehow not best them to work out.

Top-down limits on the number of children is barbarism, the placing of the back door of the "New World Order, you do not want the Rothschilds, Rockefellers another this type of rich pricks, at closed meetings in the most expensive hotels decide for us how we can have children! Hell not!

Though I still probably will not have children for several reasons.

1 First, small children are noisy, eat, s**t, and only disturb peace.
2 I am rather thick, and pretty girls do not want to have a rather fat man for a husband.
3 The most important reason what kind of father who has Asperger's syndrome.


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10 Jun 2014, 8:44 am

Misslizard wrote:
Well goody for you,I kept it to prove a teacher wrong.
f**k the teacher. Why bother?

Kudos to you for being so very high functioning that you didn't go thru the sh** some of us did.

Very high functioning? More like I refused to be a basket case. And before we go there, I'm accusing anyone of being a basket case. I saw at a very early age what a basket case is and how they are treated. I pretty much vowed NOT to be one no matter what it took. Trust me, I've gone through the s**t. Everyone has gone though the s**t, it's all in how you handle it.

Define achievement.

Well, something better than a high school ASVAB test. I'll leave the specifics up to the individual.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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10 Jun 2014, 9:29 am

I never said that I was my great achievement,that is living where I do.I always wanted a quiet cabin in the woods with no neighbors,so that's my big achievement.And a real nicely landscaped yard with a veggie garden.
But I do think that learning to read is a great achievement for anyone.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi