Misslizard wrote:
I had kids,do I need to educate you on how they came about.
You had two and that's how you arrived at your number for the rest of us to live by. If you'd had one it would be one, if you had three it would be three, etc....
You have no idea what it takes to raise kids,and I made mine work in the garden.They learned where food comes from.Do you think that most will teach their kids how to provide sustenance?
We don't all live in
tha hillz.
I would think as the devoted right winger that you are,that you would be conservative about how many kids you pop out.Its no different than over grazing cattle.
A devoted right winger likes goveremnt meddling in their lives even less. How many different ways do I need to rephrase that for you?
I never said it was holy writ.Do the math.
You might as well have.....
Bet I outscored you on the ASVAB vocabulary.I still have the test,can post and prove it.I kept it because a teacher once told me I was to stupid to ever read.
How come you didn't join up, then?
BTW, you can't prove diddly like that. A period correct ASVAB can be fabricated and posted with whatever score you want it to have. If there is no way to authenticate something like that then it is, for all practical purposes, a fake.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson