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11 Jun 2014, 8:30 pm

thomas81 wrote:
zkoc2076 wrote:
My university is considering BDS santions against Israel and wants to boycott professors :(


Your university has my full support and I congratulate them.

Yes, the university should be a place where people are turned into obedient Hitlerjugend servants.


- Israel is the only Middle-Eastern country that allows homosexuals to adopt
- Israel was the first Middle-Eastern country to abolish the death penalty
- No Middle-Eastern country has more women in the parliament than Israel
- Israel was the first country in the Middle-East to decriminalize homosexuality
- Israel is the country in the Middle-East with the cleanest human rights records
- Israel has less discrimination than any other country in the Middle-East

- Hamas is ran by oligarchs and sheikhs
- Hamas outlaws homosexuality
- Hamas ranks close to China in terms of press freedom (Reporters Without Borders)
- Hamas has gender segregated schools
- Hamas is allied with countries that repress or have repressed kurds, jews, armenians and other ethnicities
- Hamas still practice the death penalty
- Hamas has violated every ceasefire so far
- Nearly all Hamas missiles target civilians
- No European socialists ever give a damn about the uyghurs, kurds, or checknyans; it's not human-rights violations unless the jews do it. If it's a socialist government ran by non-jews, they automatically get a free pass

Who has most in common with a para-fascistic dictatorship? "But, but Apartheid!" and "Trololo, Israel is an Apartheid state!", are overused, false analogies that have been refuted many times. Israel is not the reason why the Gaza strip is hellish; Hamas is. If I wanted a piece of some country that I could call Mordor and create my own form of nationalism, I could probably get the sympathy of many modern left-wingers if the country I wanted belonged to jews.

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11 Jun 2014, 9:34 pm

Kurgan wrote:

Yes, the university should be a place where people are turned into obedient Hitlerjugend servants.

For goodness sake. This takes Godwin's law to ridiculous new depths.

Israel behaves more nazi-like than anyone else in that territory.

It isn't the Palestinians who
-seal people off in walled enclosures
-limit the movements of peoples
-conduct regular military harassment with foot patrols of the local indigenous people.
-limit the access to utilities
-seal the roads to prevent civilian travel even in emergency circumstances
-prevents the right of return of the indigenous arabs
-use disproportionate force against the percieved threat
-use internment imprisonment strategies and prolonged imprisonment without charge against POWs.
-used disproportionate and indiscriminate airstrikes against civillian centres.
Kurgan wrote:
- Israel is the only Middle-Eastern country that allows homosexuals to adopt
- Israel was the first Middle-Eastern country to abolish the death penalty
- No Middle-Eastern country has more women in the parliament than Israel
- Israel was the first country in the Middle-East to decriminalize homosexuality
- Israel is the country in the Middle-East with the cleanest human rights records
- Israel has less discrimination than any other country in the Middle-East

Israel is a hyper developed miniature military-industrial complex because it recieves enormous financial, military and political backing from the USA and UK. Therefore the fact that it has acheived these development milestones should not be surprising (albeit for the piss poor attention of human right afforded to Palestinian muslim arabs), nor do they give Israel a carte blanche to behave how they want in the occupied territories.

Kurgan wrote:
- Hamas is ran by oligarchs and sheikhs
- Hamas outlaws homosexuality
- Hamas ranks close to China in terms of press freedom (Reporters Without Borders)
- Hamas has gender segregated schools
- Hamas is allied with countries that repress or have repressed kurds, jews, armenians and other ethnicities
- Hamas still practice the death penalty
- Hamas has violated every ceasefire so far
- Nearly all Hamas missiles target civilians

See above.
Kurgan wrote:
Who has most in common with a para-fascistic dictatorship? "But, but Apartheid!" and "Trololo, Israel is an Apartheid state!", are overused, false analogies that have been refuted many times. Israel is not the reason why the Gaza strip is hellish; Hamas is.

See above.

Kurgan wrote:
If I wanted a piece of some country that I could call Mordor and create my own form of nationalism, I could probably get the sympathy of many modern left-wingers if the country I wanted belonged to jews.

Complete and utter horses**t. Palestine isn't some new invention that was arbitrarily made in 1946 for the sake of it. That is closer to Israel you are thinking of. It had been there for centuries and had all of the essential elements of a country including culture, language and industry. The fact that there was no de facto Palestinian government at the time does nothing to belittle that fact. There are any number of documents in circulation from that time, including cash, passports etc that pay testament to the fact that a territory called Palestine existed.

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Last edited by thomas81 on 11 Jun 2014, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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11 Jun 2014, 9:46 pm

Kurgan wrote:
Jews were second rate citizens and subject to several genocides under both the Arabs and the Romans, and at times, they numbered only a handful due to persecution. There never was a Palestinian state; the European socialists like to pretend there was, but this is nothing more than a passion play to stir up the people against the jews. The Brits regarded the area as a part of Southern Syria.

There never was a Jewish state prior to 1946, does that legitimise the nazi pogroms against the Jews?

There is no 'left wing anti semitism'. Its a strawman thats beaten time and time again to drum up misled support for Israel.

You nakba deniers are every bit as despicable as holocaust deniers.

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11 Jun 2014, 9:55 pm

A left wing response to the so called 'New Anti Semitism' ... i-semitism

"Is it racist to oppose Israel?" ... +Israel%3F

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11 Jun 2014, 10:31 pm

Kurgan wrote:
- Israel is the only Middle-Eastern country that allows homosexuals to adopt
- Israel was the first Middle-Eastern country to abolish the death penalty
- No Middle-Eastern country has more women in the parliament than Israel
- Israel was the first country in the Middle-East to decriminalize homosexuality
- Israel is the country in the Middle-East with the cleanest human rights records
- Israel has less discrimination than any other country in the Middle-East

Just with this alone you've really kicked Thomas81's position on the Israeli vs. Palestinian question in the ass. The rest are just nails in the coffin. I always find it disturbingly strange how so called liberals blindly condone the killing of gays, whipping of women, and a rich tradition of antisemitism and general terrorism as long as the perpetrators are against Israel. Honestly, I dont see what's so liberal about what passes for liberalism.

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11 Jun 2014, 11:27 pm

thomas81 wrote:
Tequila wrote:
More bigotry and nonsense from those morons.

Tequila wrote:
Israel is a diamond in a sea of Islamic sewage.

Tequila wrote:
sea of Islamic sewage

Tequila wrote:
Islamic sewage

If they were not legitimately attempting to acquire nuclear weapons, taking hostages, assassinating political figures, randomly starting bloody murderous civil wars, ethnically cleansing opposing religions and non secular people, enslaving women and children for sex and labor, harboring terrorists and pirates and training and supporting saboteurs this might be a legitimate point. As it stands, they are doing all of these things so its not a legitimate point. Calling them what they are is not bigotry. They are putrid sewage. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

EDIT: Just read Raptor last post. Yes, it is interesting that liberals support the beating, murder, and forced rape of school girls while attacking Israel. But if you even say anything negative about the places around Israel you get labeled a bigot. But then again, I also find it strange that the rest of the world keeps telling us we need to stop playing world police, and then as soon as some school girls are kidnapped they all blame us for not doing anything about it after the fact. I actually think we should stop being the world police personally.


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11 Jun 2014, 11:50 pm

RunningFox wrote:
EDIT: Just read Raptor last post. Yes, it is interesting that liberals support the beating, murder, and forced rape of school girls while attacking Israel. But if you even say anything negative about the places around Israel you get labeled a bigot. But then again, I also find it strange that the rest of the world keeps telling us we need to stop playing world police, and then as soon as some school girls are kidnapped they all blame us for not doing anything about it after the fact. I actually think we should stop being the world police personally.

Being labeled a bigot (or troll, douchebag, facist, bully, etc..) by the liberals is always taken as a welcome compliment. :D

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12 Jun 2014, 12:17 am

thomas81 wrote:
Honestly, the disgusting levels of hackism for Israel and blind zionism revisionist of history on his forum makes me want to throw up.

PPR is like the political gutter of the online autistic community.

Seriously dude, look at Israel's neighbors and tell me honestly that you'd rather live adjacent to Israel rather than within Israel. The difference would be more noticeable for a woman than a man, but even still, Israel is a beautiful diamond in a sea of scorching sand. Israel is far closer to the liberal ideals that progressives in the west would want for their own nations, and yet it is constantly under attack by liberals in the west. Why? And the nations around Israel often are quite the opposite, and yet they are defended by liberals in the west. What the french toast is up with that?


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12 Jun 2014, 12:34 am

RunningFox wrote:

If they were not legitimately attempting to acquire nuclear weapons,

I don't believe that Iran has the means to acquire nuclear weapons. Moreover, as long as Israel has 100's of nuclear weapons, I DON'T CARE if Iran is trying to acquire them. Israel as the only nuclear power in the region is the biggest threat to peace in that region.

The Iranian military is weak. They had to have a smoke and mirrors facade to try and trick the world into believing they could manufacture aircraft carriers and stealth jets.

Its interesting how the right opposes for example, the nuclearisation of the Korean peninsula but they're just dandy with the nuclearisation of the middle east on the condition that only Israel is allowed the nukes.

Hypocrisy much?

For the record, i oppose nuclear weapons in both of these mentioned regions. I oppose North Korean nuclear warheads as much as i oppose American, Russian, British, Indian, Chinese or Israeli nuclear warheads.

RunningFox wrote:
randomly starting bloody murderous civil wars, ethnically cleansing opposing religions and non secular people, enslaving women and children for sex and labor, harboring terrorists and pirates and training and supporting saboteurs this might be a legitimate point. As it stands, they are doing all of these things so its not a legitimate point. Calling them what they are is not bigotry. They are putrid sewage. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

Ok, if you want a laundry list of violent behaviour-

How many countries has the united states invaded in the last ten years?

How many countries has Iran or any other muslim country invaded in the last ten years?

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12 Jun 2014, 12:37 am

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
Honestly, the disgusting levels of hackism for Israel and blind zionism revisionist of history on his forum makes me want to throw up.

PPR is like the political gutter of the online autistic community.

Seriously dude, look at Israel's neighbors and tell me honestly that you'd rather live adjacent to Israel rather than within Israel. The difference would be more noticeable for a woman than a man, but even still, Israel is a beautiful diamond in a sea of scorching sand. Israel is far closer to the liberal ideals that progressives in the west would want for their own nations, and yet it is constantly under attack by liberals in the west. Why? And the nations around Israel often are quite the opposite, and yet they are defended by liberals in the west. What the french toast is up with that?

Its not the point. The west, and its interests should have no imperialist connections to the middle east, and that includes our dealing with Israel. Israels dirty history of brutality, anti arab racism and land grabbing belies the so called progressive oasis in the desert of barbarism you so champion it as.

If i was a Jew seeking safe sanctuary, then Israel is the last place i want to go.

The idea that Israel was ever a majority idea among Jews is a filthy lie propogated by European anti semites to further their solution to the Jewish question.

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12 Jun 2014, 12:41 am

This notion that Israel's critics are all liberals is not true, anymore than that all of Israel's friends are all conservatives. It must be remembered, the arch conservative Jesse Helms had been a vicious enemy of Israel and an Antisemite, till Pro-Israeli supporters realized he couldn't realistically be voted out of office, so they bought his support. Also, a whole lot of conservative Christians only support Israel today because they believe God will show them mercy for it when Christ comes back in a fiery apocalypse, and institutes his thousand year Reich.

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12 Jun 2014, 12:45 am

not even all of Israel's critics are gentiles. There is a significant proportion of outspoken Jewish critics such as Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and the Ultra Orthadox Neuterei Karta Jews.

I suppose this guy is an anti-semite too?


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12 Jun 2014, 12:58 am

Raptor wrote:
Kurgan wrote:
- Israel is the only Middle-Eastern country that allows homosexuals to adopt
- Israel was the first Middle-Eastern country to abolish the death penalty
- No Middle-Eastern country has more women in the parliament than Israel
- Israel was the first country in the Middle-East to decriminalize homosexuality
- Israel is the country in the Middle-East with the cleanest human rights records
- Israel has less discrimination than any other country in the Middle-East

Just with this alone you've really kicked Thomas81's position on the Israeli vs. Palestinian question in the ass. The rest are just nails in the coffin. I always find it disturbingly strange how so called liberals blindly condone the killing of gays, whipping of women, and a rich tradition of antisemitism and general terrorism as long as the perpetrators are against Israel. Honestly, I dont see what's so liberal about what passes for liberalism.

No he didn't. You're just repeating his points that i already debunked, and doing it even less eloquently.

We (progressives) oppose Israel not because of pro-Islam sentiments, sexism or homophobia but because we aren't blind to the historical context in which Israel was established.

Opposing imperialism =/= condoning the killing of gays or beating of women.
There is no such thing as so called 'left wing' anti-semitism, and this is backed up by the two articles i already posted.

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12 Jun 2014, 1:01 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
This notion that Israel's critics are all liberals is not true, anymore than that all of Israel's friends are all conservatives. It must be remembered, the arch conservative Jesse Helms had been a vicious enemy of Israel and an Antisemite, till Pro-Israeli supporters realized he couldn't realistically be voted out of office, so they bought his support. Also, a whole lot of conservative Christians only support Israel today because they believe God will show them mercy for it when Christ comes back in a fiery apocalypse, and institutes his thousand year Reich.

Conservatives don't dote on civil rights like liberals do, either. At least not the same civil rights, anyway. So that still leaves us with the question of how liberals, all pro-gay and pro-women's rights, etc, can be anti-Israel and pro-Islamic in such significant numbers.

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12 Jun 2014, 1:02 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
believe God will show them mercy for it when Christ comes back in a fiery apocalypse, and institutes his thousand year Reich.

Then they have the audacity to criticise progressives for supposedly supporting barbarism and backward ideas when they subscribe to this pre-medieval tosh.

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12 Jun 2014, 1:04 am

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
This notion that Israel's critics are all liberals is not true, anymore than that all of Israel's friends are all conservatives. It must be remembered, the arch conservative Jesse Helms had been a vicious enemy of Israel and an Antisemite, till Pro-Israeli supporters realized he couldn't realistically be voted out of office, so they bought his support. Also, a whole lot of conservative Christians only support Israel today because they believe God will show them mercy for it when Christ comes back in a fiery apocalypse, and institutes his thousand year Reich.

Conservatives don't dote on civil rights like liberals do, either. At least not the same civil rights, anyway. So that still leaves us with the question of how liberals, all pro-gay and pro-women's rights, etc, can be anti-Israel and pro-Islamic in such significant numbers.

Like i said, its not about 'pro-Islam' its about anti-imperialism.

The Israel project was originally all about grabbing the rightful land of one culture and giving it to another (at the behest of the British empire I might say) which is now a useful watchdog for the US industrial complex in an oil rich region.

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