Misery loves company.
Without it Alex Jones, Faux news, and all other folks who must find a common enemy of discontent to discuss to get either money or Facebook likes or whatever other social reward to keep 'em going, will simply have no company.
The New England Journal of Medicine research states that there is a consistent percentage of the population more vulnerable innately to conspiracy theories; and one will find this anywhere humans live; and yes, the Autism Speaks hysteria often found here on this website and others is a perfect example of that segment of any population autistic or not.
So in other words, Alex Jones has a ready made convinced Target audience no matter what he says, and the snake oil salesman that often relies on this segment of the population that one will also find in the TEA PARTY has a ready made job; all they have to do is be impervious to the ridicule of folks that are not of this labeled segment of human beings.
Don't let this guy fool anyone, if one can, he is just making money, plain and simple, and exaggerated as one can plainly see, off of this segment of society, pulling their emotional strings as he goes.
And no it does not matter how much education these folks have; again, it's in their DNA; per the New England Journal of Medicine, of course.
Why it stays, I guess, is birds of a feather tend to flock together and continue to have offspring.
I see it at SOME churches, too.
It is the core audience of all fundamentalist religious expressions with hate, death, destruction and moreover fear used to motivate folks, most specifically, going to hell for all of eternity.
Wherever there is a Target audience, there is usually a 'shooter' of some kind, just waiting to pick random people.
Alex Jones has a pretty big gun; but it's not for me; never ever never.
I am impervious to the affect and effect of the sociopathic mind; not always, but definitely now.