Your Thoughts on Skull Binding
I have no idea why they would have started that tradition, or why they continue to do it, as I'm not an anthropologist.
I think it's pretty weird, but weird is subjective. There are plenty of things Americans do that are weird to other cultures.
Shoes prevent your feet from being able to flex as freely though, which can cause all sorts of problems.
If you pay attention to the way your feet move when walking with shoes compared to walking barefoot, it's probably vastly different.
That is why people who are used to running in shoes have trouble with barefoot running at first.
When I'm not wearing shoes I often walk on the ball of my foot and the toes, with the arch and heel up off the ground. Can't do that in most shoes; They don't really allow for the front part of the foot to flex much. Probably why I get arch pain when walking in shoes for any significant amount of time.
It seems you mention the Flatheads. A northwest tribe that flattened the forehead, of babies.
There were other long skull people, some along the Sea of Cortez. Some in Inca lands, some in South Africa, and no one has figured out how it was not natural. Old Egypt left paintings of people with normal faces, but a much larger back skull.
The Flatheads we know from historic records, have drawings of the whole process, and the result. They had flat foreheads, and otherwise normal skulls. They did not develop the occipital bulge shown in the others. It was a tribal identity mark.
It had no function, like the scar patterns, extended lips, ears, of Africa, or the tatoos of the Pacific islands.
In southeast Asia women wore metal rings about their necks, adding more as they grew, till they had very long necks.
Knocking out teeth, or sharpening them to a point had a long period of fashion.
Closer to home, corsets were a required torture device, with the goal of an eighteen inch waist.
History tells us the Sumarians placed children in fired pots, and raised them to the shape of the pot, It was a novelity in designer servants. What the natural dwarf market could not produce, the potters did.
Some say the long skulls were the result of binding, but they seem to have normal faces, frontal skulls, and a lot extra in back. Binding would only affect shape, not mass.
The skull is shaped by the growing brain, and as our brains get larger our skulls have gotten thinner.
There has been speculation that a vacuum cap could increase brain size in infants, and head shape, and a slight change in brain size to body size ratio, does follow animal intelligence.
A theory that Autism is caused by a brain trying to grow, evolve, trapped by a small skull, until it has to shut down. Why autistics have normal development till age two or three, then develop autism.
Autistic children also have large heads.
Slight vacuforming babies skulls could add twenty-five points to IQ.
We seem to work against that by promoting sports to develop the body over the brain.
Penis pumps use vacuum to produce penis enlargement. It stays larger, grows to fill demand, but doing the same to the most important organ, the brain, would likely be unethical.
Our evolution is measured in brain size.
Unbind the brain.
They oughta run those tests again IMHO. Doubt that the Vikings got as far as Peru.
Humans do art, and scultpture, and the human body itsself is a medium for both painting and even for sculpture.
Alot of it is double-think, and "immodest modesty" (though this is off the topic of human coneheads).
Men in the still stone age tribes of New Guinea wear "penis sheaths"- gourds to conceal their Johnsons. But the gourds themselves are outrageaously long, large, and phallic shaped.
Similarly our great grandmothers in the Victorian Age had to wear heavy clothes to conceal their bodies, but ALSO had to wear the corsets that Inventor talks about to artificially enhance their ourglass shape so that the artificially enhanced shape would show through their long dresses. Hiding- AND exposing at the same time. Go figure ( no pun intended)!
Last edited by naturalplastic on 30 Sep 2014, 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
There are no known negative health effects of skull binding; it is understood as method for delineating social status. So thereby the practice is highly desired in the cultures that promote it. The same applies to countries where female genital mutilation occurs. A part of the body that's only purpose is for pleasure is removed to protect women from straying, and in some countries it is a symbol of social status where women feel highly shamed who are not mutilated this way.
Yes, through the power of a highly developed neocortex and frontal lobes, humans are evolved for complex language and culture with the ability to remember the past and look toward the future. But humans are still only technically evolved to socially connect to 150 to 200 sets of eyes. That's where the real insanity starts; the larger the population the more insane the cultural practices, as they are required to keep humans in a herd where the herd can feel relatively safe with the herd.
And yes, religion too, is a tool for this. Biologically speaking through the studies that have been done on human sexuality, only around 30 percent of human beings are innately monogamous. There is a monogamous spectrum, just as there is a gender and sexual orientation spectrum. Additionally, in the sexual orientation spectrum only 4% of humans are entirely innately heterosexual; the other 96% range from homosexual to asexual and all the differences in between.
So religion restricts this extremely diverse primate to subjugate human nature for control. Control, control, control, domesticating human beings through culture is what it's all about. Culture really does make humans into something they are not. The root cause of all human suffering is subjugation, oppression, and repression of human nature.
For example a core tenant of Abrahamic religions to control human sexuality is the old adage of adultery is a sin and even refining it further to say thinking about it is a sin, per early Roman Catholic councils to control women, as they at the time, are basically viewed as less than men, in virtue of spirituality.
Yes, and they threw the men in too, with the rest of the herd on that one too.
Problem is that science now shows that lust is actually a source of all human creativity and productivity; yes evidenced by the scientific method.
Many people spend their life in guilt trying to escape the way the GOD of nature made them. Or even worst than that, close off their sexuality at a young age repressing the feelings along with repressing their potential creativity and productivity. That is so sad, and really so cruel that humans can do this, but yes, it is the way of folks to control others to be 'proper robots' in a large civilization.
And yes, science does now show that shoes of all kinds make humans weaker. There is a new sandal like shoe for running that keeps the foot in the barefoot shape while protecting from manmade environmental surfaces like concrete and asphalt. Feet and sand are meant to mix.
And as a health science degree holder with expertise in exercise physiology as an Athletic Director for the military, in other words I do have credentials on this, any part of the body that is limited in strength naturally limits the potential development and strength of other body parts.
Strong and developed feet can actually mean strong and developed shoulders in the 'long run' and really, generally, humans are not evolved to run unless there is a life or death situation upon them. It's part of the flight or fight response.
And in fact, marathon running is shown to have the same damaging effect on the heart as a heart attack, but people continue to do it, anyway, and fortunately for the most part the body is plastic enough to repair itself after these physically punishing events.
And yes, some humans have adapted better for this through natural selection and a culture that runs for thousand of years, as a general practice for survival.
The thing that has allowed me to grow the strongest in my exercise program, still at my military gym, lifting 760 LBS now at age 54 with my legs with free weights, is my understanding of health science and yes anthropology too, as that is another one of my degrees.
Yes, I exercise on the dirt barefoot, and that is the secret of my success at core of exercise physiology, which is definitely feet, as weak and underdeveloped feet from wearing shoes means a 'worm' of a body more so than folks with highly developed and strong feet.
I learn more from so called primitive cultures of what it truly means to be human than from much larger societies that have imposed all types of insane measures to control the 'herd', in an insanely large number of sets of human eyes.
The metaphor that sidewalks are the core of human suffering rings true. Humans are definitely not meant to move in a linear way. They are foragers and hunters by nature, and that does require moving like the galaxies in space in 360 degrees of what arms, torso, and legs, are evolved to do in the forest where we are once arboreal creatures too, not unlike our other primate cousins.
And the worst thing to do whether it is sitting all day long in a share fixated on a screen 2 feet away, only using the fingers for movement, is walking straight.
Every safety oriented workplace classes teaches this in human ergonomics. Humans are not evolved to stay fixated in one position or do the same movement over and over. The result is human ergonomic injury restricting movement, sometimes in permanent and functionally disabling ways.
Perhaps the most ridiculous exercise machines are the newest ones like ellipticals, stair climbers, and the older traditional treadmill. This too is part of what leads to folks with canes in later life, and bodies that no longer flow with the core golden spiral mean of movement of the hurricane, the galaxy, a tornado, or the smallest of units of electrons orbiting around the nucleus in every atom of our body.
As above so below applies everywhere, even to movement. To observe the nature of the Universe is to observe the nature of man. To think that man can dominate it rather than being a small respectful part of nature is where true insanity starts.
I work with nature, and reap the benefits. Other folks in so called sane culture, think I'm crazy at times for doing it, but nah, I'm educated in what really counts, living a strong and harmonious life. And even in social esteem studies, it has very little to do with economic status, it's all about the ability to defend oneself and feel secure in one's sexuality.
African American Males score as the demographic in the US with the highest self-esteem. It's simple; they feel comfortable in their own skin. And oh my GOD, I learn from this demographic and there is no one I know either here or in real life, that feels more comfortable in their own skin, now. And let's say I have documented evidence for that, but it wouldn't be appropriate to share it here.
And as mentioned in the other topic, emotions reside in the body physiologically speaking, and when folks stay in their head instead of learning physical intelligence and how to truly operate their body in 360 degrees of motion and truly listening to the complex nature of it; that too is a huge part of human suffering. Humans are evolved primarily as emotional animals and still not rational animals, for the overriding purpose of social interaction and social cooperation.
This isn't just an autism spectrum thingy, the disconnection of mind and body through simply not developing physical intelligence is causing suffering everywhere, from the higher usage of anti-depressants, pain killers, to the third of children who are now pre type two diabetic.
The answer is simple: humans are required to learn the art and real life intelligence of movement, if they want to have a balanced homeostatic human life, the same way the cat relaxes in the grass, when his work for survival is done for the day, whether it is a feral cat, or the big cats in the African wild.
It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Humans who have the potential for higher scores on tests get rewarded for it this way, and spend more time sitting still, looking at computers, lectures or reading books. The result of that is a natural negative neuroplastic and epigenetic 'retardation' of skills in emotions, physical intelligence, social interaction, and social cooperation.
And ha-ha, science is finally figuring this out and finally realizing why it's so dam frigging important for folks on the spectrum to move. It's simple; it is to gain physical intelligence whether it is stimming or dancing to frigging escape their head, and be a more socially cooperative human being both in non-verbal communication and emotion. And yes it's an instinctual and intuitive thing; most people don't understand these 'details'. But the simple act AND ART of moving is also the simple act of increasing physical AND emotional intelligence.
It's just the way the human organism works as a holistic organism.
People are starving to move. And Autistic, folks, many of them, are the frigging canary in the coalmine, telling the rest of society how insane they are, when they stim to provide an example to escape the insanity.
The answer is so simple; you might think it can't be true. But that's part of the problem in large societies things are so much more complicated that they need to be, but have to be to support high numbers of humans living together.
I visit the city, but I live in the country, and move barefoot free, among other things, that aren't appropriate to mention here.
But anyway, while I might not be agreeing with you here on some of your topics, Ana, I love your creative mind, and the open ended out of the box topics your bring here. Your inquisitive nature as a whole is raising the real intelligence of a lot of folks who are reading as we speak.
You have the mind of a child, and that's the greatest mind there is. What the man Jesus said rings true, as soon as we repress our sexuality and or inquisitive creative mind, as children, for all practical intents and purposes we are already dead in life.
It's the whole thing about being born again; it's about living without cultural illusions and simply being a free human animal AGAIN.
The first step to that is recognizing that yes we are human animals.
I can't even get my fundamentalist raised Christian wife to accept that fact.
But that is where I live, and in more progressive areas of the country people would understand what TAI CHI is and not have the WTF look on their face when I do it, as I learn to move like a Galaxy as an autodidact in this way.
In other words, I need no teachers. I observe; I learn through instinct and intuition, and I effect positive change that creates even more self-esteem and overall human positivity. It is what all social animals live for at core of being. I am not fooling myself to think I'm some kind of cultural made GOD above all other animals. That again, is where true insanity lies; YES, LIES.
The false GOD is culture and plain to see but extremely complex for those who are equipped with the 'eyes' to see. And yes at this point, overall, we ARE THE MOST INSANE society that ever existed; If for no other reason, than studies that show young college age adults through empirical measure have lost 30% of their empathy over the last several decades. That is the greatest cause of human suffering; a lack of empathy.
And unfortunately, as the more humans feed their minds with machine ways of being the more they become robots and the less they become humans per empathy and emotion. And a numb soul is the greatest pain of all, as it often cannot even be felt. EXISTENTIAL Numbness is where the true hell of human being LIES. A human without socially connective and expressive empathy and emotion is the metaphor of a human that has lost their soul.
And hell no, most people are not born that way, autistic or not. The real devil is culture, and culture makes people that way through NEGATIVE epigenetic, neuroplastic, and overall maladaptive change to the insane effect and AFFECT of our the environment of the latest attempt at culture.
So nah, skull binding is a walk in the park, compared to living here. But even a linear straight walk on a sidewalk in a park, here, is a cause of human suffering. Just another cultural lie, whether intentional or not, it is, at least here.
Yep, that's Twenty-two-hundred words, but what can I say, this is my special interest, too, among many other things, too numerous to count.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Interestingly enough, some elongated skulls were found in Peru and DNA tests were administered. These skulls were determined to contain the DNA of Scandinavians which is a complete mystery.
Whether or not it's a complete mystery depends on the age of the skulls. If it was after the arrival of the Spanish, Scandinavian DNA could have piggybacked in the Spanish.
https://genographic.nationalgeographic. ... pulations/
Modern Highland Peruvians (who did do head flattening, google tells me) are currently 2% Northern European, acquired during Spanish colonization.
I went looking for specific references to DNA testing of Peruvian flattened skulls containing Scandinavian (or Northern European) DNA. All I could find with those keyword searches were "ancient astronaut" websites which claimed that the DNA testing found DNA "not of this earth" (and one website debunking such a silly claim). The ancient astronaut websites also said the skulls were "believed to be 3,000 years old" which would predate Spanish colonization, but then again they were claiming extraterrestrial rather than Scandinavian DNA.
Do you have a link for the Scandinavian DNA claim? I could not find a reference to it in google and am only extrapolating from DNA analysis of modern Peruvians.
They oughta run those tests again IMHO. Doubt that the Vikings got as far as Peru.
Humans do art, and scultpture, and the human body itsself is a medium for both painting and even for sculpture.
Alot of it is double-think, and "immodest modesty" (though this is off the topic of human coneheads).
Men in the still stone age tribes of New Guinea wear "penis sheaths"- gourds to conceal their Johnsons. But the gourds themselves are outrageaously long, large, and phallic shaped.
Similarly our great grandmothers in the Victorian Age had to wear heavy clothes to conceal their bodies, but ALSO had to wear the corsets that Inventor talks about to artificially enhance their ourglass shape so that the artificially enhanced shape would show through their long dresses. Hiding- AND exposing at the same time. Go figure!
See? People are so apt to believe certain things they will disbelieve when actual DNA tests come back and say something different and the DNA IS the real deal, the actual science! DNA doesn't lie. It's just like when the media brainwashes a population into thinking a suspect is guilty and DNA tests say something different, they are so brainwashed they actually believe the DNA test could be the one that is wrong, not the bleeping media.
Tells you something about human psychology and the power of programming, doesn't it?
They oughta run those tests again IMHO. Doubt that the Vikings got as far as Peru.
Humans do art, and scultpture, and the human body itsself is a medium for both painting and even for sculpture.
Alot of it is double-think, and "immodest modesty" (though this is off the topic of human coneheads).
Men in the still stone age tribes of New Guinea wear "penis sheaths"- gourds to conceal their Johnsons. But the gourds themselves are outrageaously long, large, and phallic shaped.
Similarly our great grandmothers in the Victorian Age had to wear heavy clothes to conceal their bodies, but ALSO had to wear the corsets that Inventor talks about to artificially enhance their ourglass shape so that the artificially enhanced shape would show through their long dresses. Hiding- AND exposing at the same time. Go figure!
See? People are so apt to believe certain things they will disbelieve when actual DNA tests come back and say something different and the DNA IS the real deal, the actual science! DNA doesn't lie. It's just like when the media brainwashes a population into thinking a suspect is guilty and DNA tests say something different, they are so brainwashed they actually believe the DNA test could be the one that is wrong, not the bleeping media.
Tells you something about human psychology and the power of programming, doesn't it?
But did DNA tests actually say that? I googled and googled and the only reference I could find to DNA testing of flattened Peruvian skulls having Scandinavian DNA was this thread. Google found me a ridiculous claim that the flattened Peruvian skulls have extraterrestrial DNA and a believable claim that modern Peruvians have Northern European DNA but the only reference to Scandinavian DNA in flattened Peruvian skulls was when google found me this thread.
The skulls belong to members of the Paracas people who some believe were the ones responsible for the lines at Nazca, Peru.
I wonder if the phenomena is related to the strange shape of their craniums which is said to be larger by volume than average?
Here is a link to some info about them. They are regarded as a sea faring people, and predate the tribal peoples of the area. ... eir-world/
I saw on In Search of Aliens, the Paracas History Museum claims the DNA is of northern European origin, which would be Finish, Swedish or Norwegian.
What is interesting is this head binding practice found it's way from one continent to another, most likely due to people like these early Paracas who might have known about Egyptians and pyramids which could explain how the idea for pyramids permeated new world cultures.
The link is for a pretty dubious guy. ... ngs-102258
So what about his role as assistant director at the Paracas History Museum? How did a paranormal tour operator get that job?
Well, first, the Paracas History Museum is a private museum. It?s owned by one Juan Navarro, who is also its director. Navarro is also listed on the Hidden Inca Tours webpage as a member of ?Our Team of Experts.? I was unable to find any mention of academic credentials earned by Navarro, either.
Any claims of DNA results from these people are to be taken with a pound of salt.
That's just a little info about the area. The skulls contain DNA from Northern Europeans and the History Museum is not a part of that man's business. He tries to create a little wonder and intrigue to get people interested in his tours so he plays up the paranormal to appeal to more people and considering how unlikely the Paracas DNA source is...anything's possible. Who would have thought they would have descended from Northern Europeans? Most people are led to believe native Americans only came from Asians when a few of us scattered about know otherwise - Europeans not only traveled to South America before but have been in North America, too, and created settlements prior to Georgetown. History could very well be a lot more interesting and varied than you realize with much of it lost or not discovered. You are only led to believe mankind was nothing prior to the dawn of industrial age and he could not exist without modern medical science when, perhaps, these ancient cultures could have been medically advanced in some ways.
We are certainly blessed to have one of the rare few like Ana ( who knows more than the whole scientific community about everything including about the scientific method itsself) in our midst to inform us about all of the little green men who follow each of us around all day (but who disappear everytime we turn to look at them).
But Ana...I think that you mean "prior to JAMEStown".
Not "prior to GEORGE Town".
There is a Georgetown in Guyana, and there's a Georgetown in the District of Columbia on the Potomac. But I don't think that you mean either one of those.
I suspect that you must mean the first surviving settlement in English speaking North America: Jamestown Virginia founded in 1606.
I'm SHOCKED that someone like YOU...who isnt "misled" by all of those vast nefarious conspiracies that comandeer the whole scientific establishment about stuff..could make a mistake LIKE THAT!
Okay Jamestown. Obviously you knew what I meant. Take to heart what I said though. We know the Vikings were very advanced when it came to traveling by sea, so it is not out of this world unrealistic to consider some of them came in small patches to find a new land or to perhaps live at sea after they got pissed off at some people where they lived previously. They would want to leave so they could do things their way so they got in their ship and took off. They just went and went until they found land. They, most likely, had no idea where they were.
Off topic, but just stopping by to say thank you, Ana. Your imagination and inquisitive mind has in some way rubbed off on me it seems. I have not been able to write a fictional story since 1979; a story at the time of me at 19, to my first love that I got back with, a forbidden love then with parents. So I wrote a fictional story in a place of 'mind' of hope beyond reality; an Island get away, with an accepting friend, so welcoming that my Love believed it and for a short while, we lived in True hope, then.
And now, ha-ha, I even include Aliens too, of sort, in my latest 35 year hiatus of fictional story written.
This is reciprocal social communication Ana. When people appreciate the help others give them, no matter how small, they simply go the time and effort to say thank you, and that is what i'm doing here now.
So again, thank you.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
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