If Aliens Did Suddenly Appear What Would they Say about God?

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02 Oct 2014, 10:13 pm


Well, yeah, if necessary the force within all of us can kick some butt if properly trained and cultivated, through instinct and intuition.

That was another actual realistic part of the Star Wars Trilogy I liked. It's just a take off on the truths of Eastern philosophy and what truly can be human potential if properly cultivated, and hell no, not by culture, by instinct and intuition and practice, practice, practice; the same as other truly intelligent animals do it everyday for simple survival.

If it doesn't make real results, I simply don't do it, as it is a waste of time, but for me at least, this force thingy is REAL AND I have the documented evidence to prove what it can do in a person's life in first person perspective and hell yes photos too, for those folks on the Internet who say, photos or it didn't happen.

Be my guest, the link is below, and the path is clear for those who see it. ;)

Just imagine a 230 LB white dude like Bruce Lee, or truly more like Chuck Norris, in overall appearance, but still 60LBS heavier, substantially taller, and objectively speaking much stronger, lifting to date, 760LBS with my kicking legs with free weights, and you'll get the picture without even looking. ;) And yes, of course, even more amazingly at age 54.

Again, I put the evidence where my words are, and no I'm not an Internet tough guy, I am a REAL LIFE tough guy, who is fearless too.

And once again, I provide the documented evidence for all the naysayers who dare to pursue the evidence, on their own. ;)

But better yet, I think that if I can do this as a permanently disabled person, as almost a complete-shut in without the effective use of my sight and hearing for five long years, just a little over a year ago, I truly believe almost any one has the potential to do it, who escapes culture and pursues this REAL FORCE through instinct and intuition, simply by looking within, with focus, practice and never ever giving up.

But that's the good news. The bad news is a person has to be willing to do it.

And the naysayers will never make it 'THERE'. IT'S JUST A FACT.

WITHOUT true human will, faith, hope, and belief, it just isn?t possible. And no, no three-letter words including GOD are necessary.

The essence of the FORCE ALWAYS IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, IS. YEAH, KIND OF a metaphor there, but once again, in REAL LIFE, I'm a hell of a lot more impressive than the plastic Jesus he dude above. I'm the real thing, just a man, but still a REAL YOGI LEANING DUDE.

And to be clear, I'm not arguing with you here, and I will take it at your word that your are generally agreeing with me here, and not being sarcastic until you clarify. I really would like other folks to have what I have. Fearless is a pretty cool way to live life, without even a trace of anxiety in life, and hell no, it wasn't always that way, as there was a time, where I was diagnosed by a Military psychiatrist for the Air force who dealt with PTSD combat soldiers, and said I was his worst case ever.

In the real world, yes, given the proper tools of instinct and intuition by looking within, and escaping culture, REAL HUMAN MIRACLES LITERALLY DO COME TRUE.

BUT AGAIN, THIS ISN?T ALL TALK, I most definitely walk the walk, too, and yes in living color photos too, free for anyone's perusal for the evidence that continues to exist and WILL exist for as long as Google and Word Press Servers go on. :)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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03 Oct 2014, 10:31 pm

blunnet wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It would be really interesting to watch how certain people react to the alien's information about what they have seen of the universe. Betcha many of them would refuse to believe what the aliens say.

What do you think?

Religion will come up with ad hoc explanations and all will be fine.

There will also be the other camp of fundies that think the aliens are demons and try to exorcise them.


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03 Oct 2014, 11:54 pm

[quote="ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo"]It would be really interesting to watch how certain people react to the alien's information about what they have seen of the universe. Betcha many of them would refuse to believe what the aliens say.

What do you think?[/quote

They would say 'What is a god, we are all Hindus...AUM....AUM....' ;)


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04 Oct 2014, 12:28 am

Arcanyn wrote:
The aliens would claim to be gods and demand we worship them.

i think this too. some could be advanced enough to actually have god like powers.

הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.


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04 Oct 2014, 12:33 am

Along the lines of the comment above.. aum aum...umm.. they (aliens) probably will actually NOT say much, verbally, as it is highly unlikely if they exist and make it this far they will speak our specific human oriented verbal language, but on the other hand, science and math now suggests that music is a universal language, and that sound itself is a source of power that can even levitate small objects at high frequencies.

Yes, there is some analyses that suggest that sound is used, in part, to create the Egyptian Pyramids, and that's a topic for some other time, but never the less, the importance of sound as a force of nature throughout the entire Universe cannot reasonably now, according to science, be dismissed as a non-significant variable as the Universal language of Music, spanning all solar systems and galaxies too, even sinking into black holes, as well.

So what they might say in the Universal language of MusicK, in actual deed, might sound, something like this:


Yes, music is a powerful force of nature, and I personally will not hold it against anyone if they call the music of the Universe, GOD2. :)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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04 Oct 2014, 9:52 am

I'm really thinking our existence in this physical plane and any other species more or less evolved than us is still in a very narrow bandwidth, off us with our faces and backs to eternity in both directions means that this space we call reality is still an infinitesimally small sliver and I think God is one of those things that for as long as we exist the general rule will keep being that the more we know the more we'll realize we don't know.

That said I almost wonder if a more evolved race than our would even be less inclined to talk religion, even if they had something far more poignant, just because they'd be very humble in their knowledge and realize even more than we do that while their belief in 'something' is right they still have many twists and turns of knowledge and learning ahead themselves.


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04 Oct 2014, 10:01 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
Arcanyn wrote:
The aliens would claim to be gods and demand we worship them.

i think this too. some could be advanced enough to actually have god like powers.

Any aliens visiting Earth would (by definition) be capable of intersteller space travel, and therefore would have to be centuries or more of ahead of us in technology. So they would almost have to seem god-like to us if they actually visited us ( and went public about it).


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04 Oct 2014, 2:48 pm

Our music, is regulated by our air.

There is a wide range of hearing among earth animals.

Secondary functions, the echo location of bats, dolphins, give sound a visual spacial quality.

Our vision is related to the color of our sun.

The meaning of god may be EEEeeebebe, EEEeeebebe, which resonates inturnal organs we do not have.

It is well known we have the worst noses on the planet. From ants to wolves they laugh at us. A bear can smell food at five miles. It can also smell all other bears.

A wolf napping in the sun is taking in more information than you ever will.

Aliens may take in all their information by stopping and smelling the planet. Most other creatures do so in a new place.

Elephants make a very low rumbling sound that goes through their feet, can travel twenty miles, and tickle the feet of another.

The Diplomatic Corp will have a hard time finding common range, the sense levels of communication.

A fart may lead to total war.


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04 Oct 2014, 3:25 pm

Why would anyone care? There is plenty of different religions on Earth already, one or a few more - brought by aliens - wouldn't make much difference. Whatever they would believe in it wouldn't be more important than the idea of 'flying spaghetti monster' to average human. Unless alien religion was something Muslim like and they wanted to exterminate our race just because of their beliefs. But it wouldn't be different than their will of exterminate us by any other reason so it still wouldn't have much to do with actual religion beliefs.


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05 Oct 2014, 2:59 am

blunnet wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It would be really interesting to watch how certain people react to the alien's information about what they have seen of the universe. Betcha many of them would refuse to believe what the aliens say.

What do you think?

Religion will come up with ad hoc explanations and all will be fine.


"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams

"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx


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05 Oct 2014, 9:59 am

Inventor wrote:
Our music, is regulated by our air.

There is a wide range of hearing among earth animals.

Secondary functions, the echo location of bats, dolphins, give sound a visual spacial quality.

Our vision is related to the color of our sun.

The meaning of god may be EEEeeebebe, EEEeeebebe, which resonates inturnal organs we do not have.

It is well known we have the worst noses on the planet. From ants to wolves they laugh at us. A bear can smell food at five miles. It can also smell all other bears.

A wolf napping in the sun is taking in more information than you ever will.

Aliens may take in all their information by stopping and smelling the planet. Most other creatures do so in a new place.

Elephants make a very low rumbling sound that goes through their feet, can travel twenty miles, and tickle the feet of another.

The Diplomatic Corp will have a hard time finding common range, the sense levels of communication.

A fart may lead to total war.

Yes.. a fart is GOD2..;)

Hope you are doing well Inventor.

Your insights still amaze me. :)

But, Inventors do invent.

And do not play rigidly by book.

So, I do expect IT too. :)

And yes,TRUE, too.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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12 Oct 2014, 1:45 pm

They would probably advocate the Law Of One.


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12 Oct 2014, 5:29 pm

Heh, they might just get off the ship with their leader holding a caduceus in one hand and a copy of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes in the other.


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12 Oct 2014, 6:12 pm

They wouldn't mention God specifically.

But they would impart their wisdom.

They would announce to the globe that "we have existed as an advanced civilization for millions and millions of years. We have traveled to every corner of the galaxy. We have studies every other civilized species in the galaxy. From all of this we have learned the three most important pieces of wisdom. We will tell you all these three pieces of wisdom once, and only once. And then we will leave your miserable little blue planet. These three pieces of wisdom are:

1) Always brush after every meal.

2) Never go swimming until one hour after you have eaten.

3 and, NEVER run while holding scissors!


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13 Oct 2014, 4:32 pm

How would I know? We don't even know if space aliens can speak Earthling languages or even can talk at all, or have the ability to comprehend this whole god thing because I know I don't. :roll:


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13 Oct 2014, 5:48 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
How would I know? We don't even know if space aliens can speak Earthling languages or even can talk at all, or have the ability to comprehend this whole god thing because I know I don't. :roll:

That's about the size of it.

We dont know if sentient aliens even exist. And if they did , and if they got here, what they would think of our concept (or concepts) of this "god" person, or whether or not they have dieties of their own, is something that...Gawd only knows!

We don't even know what they would think of shoe laces, much less of what they would make of an abstraction like "God".