Humanaut wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Chose any start date other than "late 1998" and your claim crumbles.
The MWP was slightly warmer according to some temperature reconstructions, and things are really starting to get interesting over geological time scales.
Aside from months and years, the table you posted gives absolutely no indication what the numbers mean.
A cooling trend since 1998. 16 years with global cooling.
Your analysis is not what the graph shows. The line of best fit is even included for your convenience.
Also, this shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but climate scientists are aware of long term cycles. The current warming is in spite of low solar activity, and temperature changes are usually caused by some change to radiative forcing.
We know radiative forcing is a thing. We know radiative forcing is the only reason this planet is habitable. We know we are increasing radiative forcing. If that is true, we should expect temperature to be rising. Temperature has risen since we started burning fossil fuels, even once you control for other factors. Bingo, good science, our burning of fossil fuels is increasing the global average temperature as well as other more relevant temperatures.
Bad science: deciding that you think this whole global warming thing is a load of rubbish, and then looking for the data that supports you view, and not criticising that data despite its obvious flaws. That's something known as "bias".
Solar activity is currently low, but that won't affect AGW in a meaningful way: ... %E2%80%9D/
The factors affecting global mean temperature change: ... 00x717.jpg
A beginner's guide to climate change (n.b. this is an educational resource produced by an energy company. The facts are accurate and scientific sources can be obtained easily, but I feel this might help explain things better than some jargon-heavy scientific papers, as clearly RealClimate is not suitable for this audience): ... s/blob.pdf