Here's Humanuat's supposed argument:
It can be "antisemitic" to point out that non-Jews were also persecuted during world war 2 and the holocaust depending on the circumstances. The circumstances in which it is antisemitic are those where the person pointing it out is displaying "circumstantial evidence" of "antisemitism" by virtue of pointing it out.* In other words, something is "antisemitic" when it is "antisemitic", which is whenever Humanaut says it is.
(* And circumstantial evidence depends on the circumstances by definition don't you know!)
But anyway, as fun as it might be to point out these logical absurdities, I know from experience that talking to Zionist zealots like Humanaut on the subject of Israel as if you were participating in some nice, civilized college philosophy debate is not going to work, because they'll just continue to defame the characters of their opponents by whatever means they deem effective.
Humanaut wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
The holocaust happened, but...
Quote: wasn't just the Jews who were persecuted during the holocaust.
Holocaust minimization is circumstantial evidence of antisemitism.
Are you a Catholic?
Humanaut, are you a Jew?