AspieOtaku wrote: Oh my goodness I cant believe people still think the world is flat its just as bad as those Young Earth Creationists with their creation museum all a waste of money. What next a Hollow Earth Society?......egads theres one as well I am probably going to considered a jerk for saying this but these have got to be the stupidest people to ever walk the Earth.
The flat earth society is like the pastafarians. They don't really believe in the flying spaghetti monster, although they will infinitely claim they do in some cases. The same is true with the modern incarnation of the Flat Earth Society.
The Flat Earth Society was originally based on biblical pseudoscience, just like creationism. The society died and was revived half a dozen times and changed it's name several times. The last incarnation of the society was more of a drinking club. This incarnation is, well... an online fad mostly.
Now creationists... they tend to be conspiracy-minded and tend to be heavily superstitious and trust most pseudosciences. They also tend to use fear to put their little "theory" into the hearts and minds of their congregation. I remember sitting in Sunday school being told about how I'm going to hell for not being a creationist.
Actually ideas from the Flat Earth Society and Hollow Earth Theory would actually make great settings for video games, so at least they aren't entirely useless.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem. I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart. Scared, but you can follow me. I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die. - a7x