Erlyrisa wrote:
--That's ok - I don't understand it either - It's why my coffee ain't levitating.
DATA - again I say DATA and the Unary Charge.
It is my belief that the Unary entity called a point charge or point magnetism(could explain why it doesn't exist) is nothing more than the most rudimentary form a DATA that defines our surroundings.
Therefore theories about formations of energy beyond this most fundamental entity are void. (In effect String Theory is just bull in other words)
The Point Charge (You cold look up your old Physics books to get an explanation)
We only see the point charge - because information at it's deepest level is either there or it isn't - it's BINARY --Zero being space 1 being a point charge.
(Remember the point charge is just a simple cloud of existence)
When two clouds of existence pertain to exist with each other ,, their only recourse is too rotate around each other like a satellite around a planet (but we don't observe which one is rotating around which, they are just floating around each other)
In order to 'PASS BY' and view the others backside, one has to be different - it has to be magnetism,,, when this happens an evolution occurs,,, they have in effect become perpendicular to one another,,, they have created light.... at the same time they have created space.
--I will not be explaining anymore -- this is way too much information already.
if you explained it in english as opposed to the slang you chose to explain it in....more people would comprehend what you're're from the UK and are a victim of the BS education in the UK, aren't you?
it would explain why your spelling and grammar skills are that of an 8 year old.