WP Voting Base
Fundies and holy rollers are against drinking, and they usually vote conservative.
well most conservatives like to drink so who cares how those people think o.O
drinking was tried to ban once and failed so its pretty much safe, don't see anyone trying that again. for time being until dems get most or all guns banned they will only continue to ver limited attack hunting. even strong dems fish so thats pretty safe.
so we vote for pro gun people or atleast those smart enough to leave the issue alone.
Fundies and holy rollers in fact dominate conservative politics, especially in the Bible belt. The Republican party had garnered their support as foot soldiers, only to have them become generals of the party.
man have you been lost to left's propaganda.
Australian Sex Party.
(Yes, they exist: see https://www.sexparty.org.au/policies/fe ... olicy.html)
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I
Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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Location: Somewhere in Colorado
Fundies and holy rollers are against drinking, and they usually vote conservative.
well most conservatives like to drink so who cares how those people think o.O
drinking was tried to ban once and failed so its pretty much safe, don't see anyone trying that again. for time being until dems get most or all guns banned they will only continue to ver limited attack hunting. even strong dems fish so thats pretty safe.
so we vote for pro gun people or atleast those smart enough to leave the issue alone.
Fundies and holy rollers in fact dominate conservative politics, especially in the Bible belt. The Republican party had garnered their support as foot soldiers, only to have them become generals of the party.
man have you been lost to left's propaganda.
IDK last I checked there is a disproportionate number of holy rollers and fundies among conservatives...maybe they aren't the 'generals' of the party but they do have an unfortunate amount of influence...especially when it comes to the 'Bible Belt'.
Also somehow I don't think its the liberals and left in Kansas or surrounding states of Colorado who don't approve of our marijuana laws and are wanting to sue the state and/or have the feds put a stop to our legal marijuana...more likely to be the conservatives in the governments of those states. Of course that is not always the case and hard to figure out where some politicians lie on the scale since they'll say what people want to hear and do the opposite.
We won't go back.
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Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Fundies and holy rollers are against drinking, and they usually vote conservative.
well most conservatives like to drink so who cares how those people think o.O
drinking was tried to ban once and failed so its pretty much safe, don't see anyone trying that again. for time being until dems get most or all guns banned they will only continue to ver limited attack hunting. even strong dems fish so thats pretty safe.
so we vote for pro gun people or atleast those smart enough to leave the issue alone.
Fundies and holy rollers in fact dominate conservative politics, especially in the Bible belt. The Republican party had garnered their support as foot soldiers, only to have them become generals of the party.
man have you been lost to left's propaganda.
Yeah, really? Then what party would people who despise homosexuality, and want to enforce morality by the power of law cast their vote for? Liberal evangelicals are a rare thing, and if they exist, I've never met one. And since the marriage between the religious and political right, evangelicals have embraced the party line of the Republican hard right in endorsing unfettered capitalism, ending the so called "nanny state" (which definitely includes cutting social programs), blind military expansionism, etc. While the political right, for it's part, has adopted the religious right's party plank of moral conservatism, such as an anti-gay agenda, uncompromisingly pro-life, anti-science, etc.
If anything, I think you are either lost in the right's propaganda, or you are just ignorant of it's realities.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Extremes on both sides seem to dislike it. Greens/hippies for the left, and the religious extremists. You can't really win when you get to either corner.
Whereas with my other voting interests, most to the left dislike firearms and hunting to some extent. The only real support you find there is the right.
Whilst I like freedom for all as long as no one is being hurt, I'd rather bite the right's bullet than the left's, as they won't penalize my way of life as much. Sure, if I was gay and wanted to marry (and the church was willing to do the ceremony), I might think differently and take the left's.
Sadly, there's not much in the way of all ways of life being accepted as a choice (again, as long as no one is hurt). Libertarians/classic liberals will never get enough votes (that's just the truth).
Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Extremes on both sides seem to dislike it. Greens/hippies for the left, and the religious extremists. You can't really win when you get to either corner.
Whereas with my other voting interests, most to the left dislike firearms and hunting to some extent. The only real support you find there is the right.
Whilst I like freedom for all as long as no one is being hurt, I'd rather bite the right's bullet than the left's, as they won't penalize my way of life as much. Sure, if I was gay and wanted to marry (and the church was willing to do the ceremony), I might think differently and take the left's.
Sadly, there's not much in the way of all ways of life being accepted as a choice (again, as long as no one is hurt). Libertarians/classic liberals will never get enough votes (that's just the truth).
I would think that hippies wouldn't have any problem with alcohol or other consciousness altering substances.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Depends on what hippies we're talking about.
Greens want to tax it even more, in addition to wanting to ban advertisements and messing up the packaging. I'm sure there's more they want to do with it.
It's already too expensive for what it is due to taxation.
It's all a political game. They can sue us all they want they but they won't get anywhere. The the DEA and FBI are under the administrative branch, as long as the administration doesn't want to enforce federal law in Washington and Colorado nothing will change. The politicians in the surrounding states are using it for gamesmanship-- they know a lawsuit will do absolutely nothing. I live near the New Mexico border and the New Mexico state patrol nabs more weed going into Colorado than coming out. The state laws (albeit a bit heavy handed for myself) have done wonders in keeping Colorado grown weed in state.
As for the political discussion. All the parties suck. Democrats have the right ideas, but enough piss poor execution of said plans that one can't trust them to follow through or not bungle their own ideas up. Republicans have great execution of their ideas, but they're shortsighted piss-poor ideas or complete lack of ideas in the first place. Green/Constitution/any third party, they're all so narrow in their interests that they'll never get a significant voting block-- they can gripe all they want about the big 2 parties choking them out all they want, it wouldn't make much of a difference when they can't appeal to anyone. If the next election ends up being what I fear: Bush V Clinton II, I'll happily vote a write-in for Carrot Top and be confident I chose the best candidate available.
Fundies and holy rollers are against drinking, and they usually vote conservative.
well most conservatives like to drink so who cares how those people think o.O
drinking was tried to ban once and failed so its pretty much safe, don't see anyone trying that again. for time being until dems get most or all guns banned they will only continue to ver limited attack hunting. even strong dems fish so thats pretty safe.
so we vote for pro gun people or atleast those smart enough to leave the issue alone.
Fundies and holy rollers in fact dominate conservative politics, especially in the Bible belt. The Republican party had garnered their support as foot soldiers, only to have them become generals of the party.
man have you been lost to left's propaganda.
IDK last I checked there is a disproportionate number of holy rollers and fundies among conservatives...maybe they aren't the 'generals' of the party but they do have an unfortunate amount of influence...especially when it comes to the 'Bible Belt'.
Also somehow I don't think its the liberals and left in Kansas or surrounding states of Colorado who don't approve of our marijuana laws and are wanting to sue the state and/or have the feds put a stop to our legal marijuana...more likely to be the conservatives in the governments of those states. Of course that is not always the case and hard to figure out where some politicians lie on the scale since they'll say what people want to hear and do the opposite.
met very few super christians or christians in general that are conservative, they tend to mostly be lef leaning democrats. atleast here.
think people have a bad habit of looking at their little part of the world ends ayina everywhere is like this. i think a lot of christians on the west coast tend to be left leaning. there are exceptions though. met a guy from a church that was right leaning and pro gun so much so they go and shoot as a church. but most I've met are pro obama, starbucks, and anti gun.
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I historically have voted for the party which I can see is likely to screw me over the least, and that has been the dems. the dems have NOT been the ones to deny me affordable health care, nor stick their hypocritical bluenoses into my bedroom, nor try to disenfranchise me in general, at the voting booth and elsewhere.
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Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Couldn't have said it better.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Fundies and holy rollers are against drinking, and they usually vote conservative.
well most conservatives like to drink so who cares how those people think o.O
drinking was tried to ban once and failed so its pretty much safe, don't see anyone trying that again. for time being until dems get most or all guns banned they will only continue to ver limited attack hunting. even strong dems fish so thats pretty safe.
so we vote for pro gun people or atleast those smart enough to leave the issue alone.
Fundies and holy rollers in fact dominate conservative politics, especially in the Bible belt. The Republican party had garnered their support as foot soldiers, only to have them become generals of the party.
man have you been lost to left's propaganda.
IDK last I checked there is a disproportionate number of holy rollers and fundies among conservatives...maybe they aren't the 'generals' of the party but they do have an unfortunate amount of influence...especially when it comes to the 'Bible Belt'.
Also somehow I don't think its the liberals and left in Kansas or surrounding states of Colorado who don't approve of our marijuana laws and are wanting to sue the state and/or have the feds put a stop to our legal marijuana...more likely to be the conservatives in the governments of those states. Of course that is not always the case and hard to figure out where some politicians lie on the scale since they'll say what people want to hear and do the opposite.
met very few super christians or christians in general that are conservative, they tend to mostly be lef leaning democrats. atleast here.
think people have a bad habit of looking at their little part of the world ends ayina everywhere is like this. i think a lot of christians on the west coast tend to be left leaning. there are exceptions though. met a guy from a church that was right leaning and pro gun so much so they go and shoot as a church. but most I've met are pro obama, starbucks, and anti gun.
Pat Robertson. Mike Huckabee. Franklin Graham. Tim LaHaye. Every one of these evangelical religious leaders - and most of the others - are to the far right. I don't dispute that there are left leaning Christians - I happen to be one - but it can not be denied that right wing evangelicals dominate conservative politics in red states. Again, why would the Republican party adopt a clearly bigoted, anti-LGBT stance as a party platform? Why have they taken a stand against evolution and other aspects of science that clashes with a literalistic interpretation of the Bible?
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
think this is how most people vote, not for dems mind you but for the party not trying to screw them over. problem is both parties are trying to screw people over. in my case both screwing me over. so I vote based on what I find more important. and who is a more immediate threat in one area. someone trying to ban guns now is worse than someone who might try to ban ssa 20 years from now if they ever get the super majority. hard system but unfortunately there isn't a party that believes like me and in all the same issues as me.
maybe cause they are elected in the deep south and there fore say and do what they think will get them elected. republicans here aren't like that. I don't think bush was a real christian. all politicians lie non are an exception i doubt most of them believe in anything they say. I really haven't seen much action from the right except in trying to defund obama care. or stop an appointment. the left though is always super busy trying to ban stuff.
lots of christians dem or republican don't want gay marriage, don't get why, but it is. so if the dems have the gay vote and you can't get them, go after the other side. cause if you go for the gay votes you won't get them and you won't get the no gay marriage votes either now you've lost all the pie. why do you think lots of republicans like romney pretend to support gun rights, not because they like guns, its cause they know they can't get the anties vote and the left has loss the gun votes so go for those. its a long old political ines. if the democrat party came out tomorrow saying they were pro gun now , no one would trust them. they have a long standing anti gun policy. both sides are just keeping to their polices regardless if they are outdated and bigoted. it's what they've always done why change now. neither side wants to give in or change. thats why most people are just independent or non politically biased. common thing I hear is 10% dem, 10% rep, and 80% middle. most election races focus on the middle but have to be safe not to lose the votes they already have. whole system is just lies and deceit. it's just sickening
so its like people saying the democrat party is all just anti gun, feminist, atheists. mean those are the most out spoken people in it. so it must all be that.
Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
maybe cause they are elected in the deep south and there fore say and do what they think will get them elected. republicans here aren't like that. I don't think bush was a real christian. all politicians lie non are an exception i doubt most of them believe in anything they say. I really haven't seen much action from the right except in trying to defund obama care. or stop an appointment. the left though is always super busy trying to ban stuff.
lots of christians dem or republican don't want gay marriage, don't get why, but it is. so if the dems have the gay vote and you can't get them, go after the other side. cause if you go for the gay votes you won't get them and you won't get the no gay marriage votes either now you've lost all the pie. why do you think lots of republicans like romney pretend to support gun rights, not because they like guns, its cause they know they can't get the anties vote and the left has loss the gun votes so go for those. its a long old political ines. if the democrat party came out tomorrow saying they were pro gun now , no one would trust them. they have a long standing anti gun policy. both sides are just keeping to their polices regardless if they are outdated and bigoted. it's what they've always done why change now. neither side wants to give in or change. thats why most people are just independent or non politically biased. common thing I hear is 10% dem, 10% rep, and 80% middle. most election races focus on the middle but have to be safe not to lose the votes they already have. whole system is just lies and deceit. it's just sickening
so its like people saying the democrat party is all just anti gun, feminist, atheists. mean those are the most out spoken people in it. so it must all be that.
It's doubtlessly true that plenty of politicians pull the party line, whether it's gay rights or gun rights, and that the base isn't so divided on such issues as the official parties are. But regardless, the religious right leans toward the Republican party, while those who support gay rights are more likely to vote Democratic. If those rules don't so much apply to your neck of the woods, they most certainly do throughout the rest of the country.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer