TV Land pulls Dukes of Hazzard reruns over Confederate Flag!
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I posted more FWIW but people can interpret any flag any way they want to and there are probably legitimate grievances with every flag on earth but you are right that those abuses are not all they represent and Confederate flag is no different.
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I posted more FWIW but people can interpret any flag any way they want to and there are probably legitimate grievances with every flag on earth but you are right that those abuses are not all they represent and Confederate flag is no different.
At an individual level, you might be right.
Hell, the swastika did actually mean something different before the Nazis co-opted it.
It's certainly possible that someone might what to display the swastika as a symbol of something other than genocide (By a Hindu or a Buddhist) but that would probably be a bad idea in most western countries.
Maybe the Stars and Bars does just mean 'peckerwood pride' to somebody (without any racist undertones) but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to display it.
It sure as hell doesn't make it okay to display on public property and it doesn't mean that an entertainment company like TVLand should display it and piss-off HUGE chunks of their customer base.
And, let's be clear here... That last bit--that's why DoH was taken off the air, because the show was apt to cause problems rather than profits for the network.
That's all.
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There actually were swastikas on my mother's childhood Lutheran church here in America, the stone was shipped straight from Germany and predates the later usage obviously but as far as I know it is still there. Perhaps I should start a blog...
I don't care whether or not the Confederate flag is flown, publicly or otherwise really. If the people want it taken down then take it down, go thru whatever the process is for doing that and have a civil discussion instead of hysterics. Flags can represent anything people want them to represent, if you think you can read people's intentions then why ban the display? I'd rather know.
This mindless attacking of anything that "triggers" these permanently offended class of people regardless of context needs to stop, it is legitimately damaging to the freedom and democracy of our country.
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This mindless attacking of anything that "triggers" these permanently offended class of people regardless of context needs to stop, it is legitimately damaging to the freedom and democracy of our country.
Once again, this is pure nonsense. Are you really trying to say that the people who see the battle flag as a symbol of racism and oppression aren't justified? Really?
Look, this flag hasn't been banned anywhere. It absolutely should be banned from public property and ALL government symbols/flags/seals simply because many CITIZENS are justifiably offended by it.
But that's all.
All the rest of this, retailers refusing to sell the flag, TV networks refusing to air shows displaying the flag...Dude that's all part of the process of free speech.
You're free to say and do the stupidest, most offensive things, but others are also free to sanction you for it.
Suck it up, free speech crybabies. This is how it looks when things don't fall your way, but this is still the process of free speech AND ITS CONSEQUENCES.
Please explain to me how people not tolerating stupidity and revisionist history is dangerous for American democracy?
I would really like to know.
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This mindless attacking of anything that "triggers" these permanently offended class of people regardless of context needs to stop, it is legitimately damaging to the freedom and democracy of our country.
Once again, this is pure nonsense. Are you really trying to say that the people who see the battle flag as a symbol of racism and oppression aren't justified? Really?
Look, this flag hasn't been banned anywhere. It absolutely should be banned from public property and ALL government symbols/flags/seals simply because many CITIZENS are justifiably offended by it.
But that's all.
All the rest of this, retailers refusing to sell the flag, TV networks refusing to air shows displaying the flag...Dude that's all part of the process of free speech.
You're free to say and do the stupidest, most offensive things, but others are also free to sanction you for it.
Suck it up, free speech crybabies. This is how it looks when things don't fall your way, but this is still the process of free speech AND ITS CONSEQUENCES.
Please explain to me how people not tolerating stupidity and revisionist history is dangerous for American democracy?
I would really like to know.
This is the modern day equivalent to the campaigns waged by the religious right against all things they found offensive, SJW social media activists are just letter writing church ladies who want to push their morals and beliefs on everybody else like it or be damned.
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This is the modern day equivalent to the campaigns waged by the religious right against all things they found offensive, SJW social media activists are just letter writing church ladies who want to push their morals and beliefs on everybody else like it or be damned.
I don't think you can discount this as the result of some internet SJWs...
The Republicans sure wouldn't be responding the way they are if it was just that. They're pretty good at ignoring SJWs.
This is because a BUNCH of people really don't like the flag and the ideas it represents.
This is what sociologists call an informal social sanction and it only works when a huge number of people participate.
Sure, this cause is getting a boost because of all the fresh outrage over the recent killings, and that means as memory of the killings fade, the outrage will fade too....
...and soon enough peckerwoods of the world will be free to fly their flag once again!
(but hopefully NOT at any state capitals )
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
I admit it's sad because I never thought of the car on the Dukes as racist. As a kid I loved that show! I thought the Dodge Charger with it's Dixie playing horn was silly but I saw confederate flags all the time anyway so it didn't really symbolize racism to me. I guess it might if I were black.
I grew up hearing the Dixie horn honk on a regular basis. The show is sweet and dorky and didn't depict racism, and that county commissioner, Jefferson Davis "Boss" Hogg, was a wickedly satirical stereotype of the corrupt commissioners the south is known for, including where my mom grew up.
I rarely watch it now but feel sad no one will show it just because it was short sighted putting the name and flag image on the car. Everyone had cars like that, without the flag and name, but some with the horn, when I was in high school. Muscle cars.
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the majority of the country sees the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride not racism
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the majority of the country sees the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride not racism
But they also say...
Fifty-seven percent of Americans said they see the flag as evoking Southern pride in the CNN/ORC poll released Thursday, compared to 33 percent who believe it is racist. Those numbers show little movement since a similar poll from 2000.
Black and white Americans have very different views on whether the flag is a symbol of pride or a symbol of hate.
Two-thirds of whites believe the flag represents Southern pride, while only 28 percent believe it has any ties to racism.
That perspective is the opposite among blacks — 72 percent believe the flag is a symbol of racism.
The majority of Americans, both black and white, believe that the flag should be removed from all government property except for museums.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) called on her state Legislature to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds in response to the killings last month of nine African-Americans at a historic black church in Charleston, S.C. The shooter allegedly was seeking to start a race war and posed in pictures with the Confederate flag.
Thanks for helping to make my point. You're the best!
Now, if you could, please explain to me what the confederate flag represents that Southerners should take pride in?
This southerner (and person literate in history) would like to know.
41% of Americans think people and dinosaurs existed at the same time...
Americans are dipshits.
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This is just getting f*****g ridiculous. Putting Confederate Flags on things may be in poor taste, but it shouldn't be illegal. Now it seems like they're trying to censor history, and that's something that only tends to happen in dictatorships, not supposedly "free" countries like the US. Hmm...
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I posted more FWIW but people can interpret any flag any way they want to and there are probably legitimate grievances with every flag on earth but you are right that those abuses are not all they represent and Confederate flag is no different.
At an individual level, you might be right.
Hell, the swastika did actually mean something different before the Nazis co-opted it.
It's certainly possible that someone might what to display the swastika as a symbol of something other than genocide (By a Hindu or a Buddhist) but that would probably be a bad idea in most western countries.
Maybe the Stars and Bars does just mean 'peckerwood pride' to somebody (without any racist undertones) but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to display it.
It sure as hell doesn't make it okay to display on public property and it doesn't mean that an entertainment company like TVLand should display it and piss-off HUGE chunks of their customer base.
And, let's be clear here... That last bit--that's why DoH was taken off the air, because the show was apt to cause problems rather than profits for the network.
That's all.
The very fact that a freakin tv show could cause problems is enough to raise questions. What kind of person and what kind of mentality does it take to be that sensitive and reactionary to the point where a tv show that doesn't matter can cause problems? I don't want to be associated with anybody who would allow a tv show to cause problems for them. Get real people, it's tv. It's not the real world. This is another instance of people needing to grow up. You know how to not let it cause problems? Change the channel. People need to stop insisting for whatever offends them to be done away with, they can be adult enough to walk away from it themselves. Why the hell is this even an issue?
Jesus Christ everybody is acting like a first grader and running to tell and have somebody else make it stop.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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Who is trying to censor history?
No government agency made them have to pull it from their network.
And like i've said, there's a big difference between 'censoring history' and refusing to whitewash it.
Like i pointed out - every german knows exactly what sins their forefathers committed. They learn about it in freaking elementary school.
Most of the former confederate states haven't really taken ownership of their real heritage.
Most of the former confederate states haven't really taken ownership of their real heritage.
Apples to oranges again........
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Most of the former confederate states haven't really taken ownership of their real heritage.
Apples to oranges again........
Piggybacking off of Raptors post because the one I wanted to respond to won't load with a quote. (Many new problems since the site was updated btw)
We were taught exactly what happened. We were taught how bad slavery was, how wrong it was, how selfish it was for people to just go kidnap others from another country, bring them here and force them to work and beat them etc. So yes, we were taught all about it. We know it was wrong. However, we also know there was more to the Old South than slavery. There was much more to the Confederacy than slaves. Also, to us the rebel flag represents the differences today between the South and the rest of the country, and the differences today have NOTHING to do with slavery or racism. It has a whole different meaning for most of us.
blauSamstag, how do you "know" what Southerners know, feel and think? Unless you live here and were born and raised here, I wouldn't think you would know very much about us except what you see on the news and read in the paper. Most of that isn't exactly going to give you an actual picture of what things are like here or what we are like. Then again, when we try to tell you how things are here and what people really think and feel, you folks from different places accuse us of lying because you saw something on CNN or MSNBC or Fox which must of course give you the full picture, right?
Also, if you "know" how much black Southerners truly hate the flag and everything you think it represents, then why does my daughter's best friend who moved in with us recently have one hanging on his bedroom wall, that he brought from home with him that he's had on his wall there for years? He's black. Why does another black kid in their group of friends have a rebel flag scene on the back window of his truck? Why are there black kids wearing Dixie Outfitters shirts with the rebel flag on them? Why do many, many Southerners get really pissed off when racist and hate groups use that flag for their purposes? Why can't the rest of the country be like we are and admit that while yes it did signify an area where slavery was very common, and it's used by hate groups but it means much, much more than that and we basically feel that the hate groups stole it from the rest of us.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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