Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Unlike Krainchgauer, I'm not a lifelong Lutheran. I was raised a Winebrennerian, aka The Churches of God--General Conference, based in Findlay, OH (also formerly The Church of God in North America, when it was based in Harrisburg, PA). While I'm more than convinced that homosexuality, same sex marriage, and transgender dysphoria are conscious choices and are abhorrent to the church catholic (read Christian), the church should still minister to these people who are willing and trying to change and give up this lifestyle. Remember, hate the sin, love the sinner. It's part of the reason I've left the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which is now neither Evangelical, nor Lutheran (except in name only). Besides, I'm a hard headed, stubborn, Pennsylvania Dutchman. Don't even try to change my mind on my beliefs, because it ain't gonna happen. As for evolution, while I lived in Illinois, the senior pastor at the LC-MS congregation where I was a member did convince me that evolution was compatible with Genesis, since the length of a day is not defined anywhere in the creation story. It's the fundamentalists that insist everything was created in 7 24 hour days.
Also, while I firmly believe the canonical book of the Bible are the inerrant Word of God, it is Man who screwed up the message, and still screws up the message to this day. Why do you think, after 2 millennia, biblical scholars still argue about the meanings of the Aramaic texts of the Old Testament and the Greek texts of the New Testament? I've tried explaining that to a friend of mine, who insists the 1611 King James Bible is the be-all and end-all of the Christian faith, and I get no where fast with him (although if I show him the first edition of the New International Bible or the New English Bible, he might change his mind.)