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29 Oct 2015, 1:17 pm

RhodyStruggle wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
RhodyStruggle wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
According to Oxford Dictionary "The advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."

In my opinion if what someone is advocating for is outside that definition then they are either doing it wrong or it's not feminism.

Except that one can hold the opinion that the very notion of "rights" is a deeply flawed and ultimately counterproductive ethical construct, and still be a feminist.

People can hold any notion they want. It doesn't change anything. I don't really understand what you're getting at.

Not all feminists believe that "rights" are even a thing, so any definition of feminism making explicit appeal to the concept of "rights" will necessarily exclude some feminists, making it a bad definition.

I never heard anyone take that position before. It doesn't really matter though. I mean some people still are still against interracial marriage, but it's a small group so they're largely ignored. Sometimes it's best to just ignore some people. We don't lump together all Christians with the Westboro Baptist church. I'm still not sure if I'm getting your point. Are you saying that just because there are some people who claim to be feminists but disagree with that definition means the definition is wrong?


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29 Oct 2015, 2:11 pm

Neotenous Nordic wrote:
Third wave feminism is blatantly female supremacist.

What are the "hot" issues for feminists today?

Look at "Donglegate".

Look at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoey Quinn aka Chelsea Valkenburg crying to the UN about people disagreeing with them on the internet.

Look at "Manspreading".

Look at "Mansplaining".

Google the article about Swedish feminists want to ban men from urinating while standing upright because of "hygiene issues".

And it just goes on and on...

Then you take a glance at certain parts of the middle east where women have to wear a freaking tent or they get stoned to death.

Or certain parts of Africa where womens genitals are mutilated.

Or India where acid throwing is a thing, or widow pyres.

You hear very little from the feminists about this. I certainly would like to hear them tackle these issues. Then we can talk about first world problems.

Most of the feminists I know (and I know a lot, thanks to spending a good amount of time at the local women's shelter/sexual assault survivor centre) tend to talk about the latter issues (as well as racism in North America and how it intersects with feminism, like that high school girl that was assaulted by that cop the other day for not getting up from her desk) you mention, rather than the former. They seem to care more about making the world a better place for everyone, rather than "female supremacy" (whatever that is). But I suppose my experience is outside the norm--or perhaps they ARE all female supremacists and just hiding it from me because they know I wouldn't go along with that and might ruin all their evil plans or something. :roll:


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03 Nov 2015, 11:13 pm

I see multiple types of feminism. Some I like. Others I don't. One type of feminism seeks to end discrimination against women. One example would be feminist fighting for equal pay or fighting against unfair hiring practices. Another type of feminism fights to get rid of stereotypes, giving women freedom to do things that go against the traditional female gender role. An example I can think of is sex positive feminism where women fight the stigma of a woman enjoying her sexuality. it seems to be aimed at giving women the freedom to live as they choose. I like both these types of feminism because I am for equality and I don't like gender roles.

There is another brand of feminism that I don't like. It is more about women asserting power over men. It is like us versus them. I don't like it because it goes against the principle of equality and answers evil with evil. An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind. I don't think people who think like this should use the word "feminism" to describe their philosophy. They should call it sexism because that's what it is. When fighting injustice, you never want to become like your oppressors.


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06 Nov 2015, 1:53 pm

em_tsuj is also about fact. For instance it totally illegal to pay someone differently for the same job becuase of their gender and has been for some time. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but the penalties for doing it are well known and it is taken seriously.

Often what is cited is not direct compression but comparing different careers choices, then assuming becuase one gender is prevalent it must be becuase of sexism despite evidence. The pay gap statistics often miss out the lifestyle choices, when you take that into consideration the pay gap disappears.

So it is not simply about what an activist is for, it is also what they use as examples and what evidence they present for their theories. That is the crux of the issue.

Unfortunately most people are not aware about what is going on in these political circles. They might not care, but it affects government policy, law and education. Some of these view far from being exclusive are very decisive.