ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Let's say you were sent back in time to his bedroom in Austria when Hitler was still a baby, would you kill baby Hitler as an attempt to prevent the WWII and Holocaust from happening?
You just find yourself in front of the baby him, with a gun in your hand, shoot or not shoot?
Why not just kidnap Baby Hitler and raise him in a place far away from Germany? And how can you be so sure the Nazis wouldn't have risen to power even without him? A lot of those Nazis were actually worse than him. He was the figure head but some of the others were much more insidious and responsible for atrocities.
Well, Hitler wasn't actually born in Germany, but Austria. And you wouldn't have to take him away from German speaking Europe; rather, you would just have to find parents who would genuinely love their child, very different from his biological father, Alois Schicklgruber. Hitler's father was a vicious bully who physically and emotionally hurt his son as often as he could. Hitler as a child had tried running away from home, which earned him such a savage beating that he was comatose for days (leaving open the real possibility that Hitler's psychosis was due to organic brain damage). Take the monster father all together from the equation, and Hitler would have been a bohemian artist.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer