naturalplastic wrote:
Actually the reason is that folks assume that homosexuality is a choice, and they assume that blue eyes are not a choice.
In reality having same sex urges is something that you're born with just like your eye color. But some folks assume that you choose it- so therefore its a sin.
I don't think that's how it works. People know that other people don't choose their skin color, but they are not always OK with people with other skin colors.
Thoughts about sexual practices agitate people in powerful and irrational ways. The traditions that flow through different cultures shape these emotional energies in ways that sometimes result in organized prejudice and sometimes leave individuals feeling the revulsion that comes with violated taboos.
Culture changes over time, so the reactions to things that were taboo in one generation may be completely different in another generation. These forces are not rational so raw logic is not always the most useful tool for analyzing them.
Don't believe the gender note under my avatar. A WP bug means I can't fix it.