Hopper wrote:
Growing up, I didn't have a particularly religious family (more the cultural hangover of Christianity, rather than a strongly held belief), but Christianity was in the air (at primary school, up to age 11, we sang hymns every morning and often had a bible lesson, too), and I sort of assumed it was probably true, and didn't pay much mind to it beyond that.
When I was about 12 or so I was walking along, and my mind turned to it, and I realised I didn't believe in God. I'm agnostic and fairly apathetic about it - it's not something I give much thought to. In practical terms, I'm an atheist.
It was that way in my household growing up, too. We went to church and said a very quick grace before dinner but that was pretty much it. There was no real faith as a family and we didn't even own a bible. We just went through the motions or as you put it "cultural hangover". The faith I have now and had back then I got from going to sunday school and church, and from my grandparents.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson