Edenthiel wrote:
Would Jesus himself approve of science? I don't think he'd approve or disapprove of it; he seemed wholly concerned with people giving up any riches they had to those who had less, giving food and health care for free to anyone who needed it, and basically spreading the message that his father wanted everyone to accept and love each other, even the worst of the worst.
While you're not wrong, I don't believe Jesus would be for government-mandated redistribution of wealth. The reason being, the act of voluntary giving is good for the soul; it teaches humility and mercy. If it shifts from "how can I help others" to "how am I required to help others" then it no longer helps the giver to become a better person, and the attitude of the receiver can quickly shift from thankfulness to entitlement. Just my 2c...
Anyway, on topic, I would think that any benevolent deity would applaud science if it is used to better the human condition. I doubt they'd even have issues with belief in evolution so long as they were not cut out of the picture entirely.